Thursday, January 31, 2019

Bringing Kult of Speed to the table.

Viligus Defiant brought us specialist detachments including 4 for the Orks.  

The most exiting of these is the Kult of speed, which allows you to make Speed Freeks fearless if they advanced, and move twice their movement value.

The basic idea is to take a unit of Evil Sunz warbikes, move them 32" the firs turn, shoot without penalty, and then charge thanks to a Deffkilla Wartrike (which also picks up a 5++ relic).

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Evil Sunz
Kult of Speed Specialist Detachment (-1 CP)

HQ: DeffKilla Wartrike, Skargrim's Snazztrike, warlord: Quick, Ladz!
HQ: Big Mek on bike, KFF, big choppa (Index)

Troops: 30 shootas, 3 rokkets, Nob w/BC
Troops: 30 shootas, 3 rokkets, Nob w/BC
Troops: 30 Sluggas, Nob w/PK

Elite: Painboy on Bike

Fast: 12 Warbikes, Nob w/PK
Fast: 12 Warbikes, Nob w/PK

Heavy: 3 smasha gunz

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Evil Sunz

HQ: Wierdboy
HQ: Zhadsnark

Troops: 11 grots
Troops: 10 grots
Troops: 10 grots

2000pts, 101 PL, 13(-1) command points

Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Bad Moon Rises...

It's finally in hand, the Gloomspire Gitz book!  I am so far out of step with AoS it's almost like starting with a new game.

I am reading through the warscrolls and there are so many buffs, spells, interactions, etc I can't possibly understand it all.  It will take a lot of careful study.

And finally I dug out the Orcs & Goblins i have and pulled out the models that are in the tome.

So I have:

Fungoid Cave Shaman
Webspinner Shaman

50 (42) stabbas
35 shootas
20 Spider Riders (if webspinner is General)

2 Mangler Squigs Penguins
Arachnarock Spider w/warparty

No role
3 Loonsmasha Fanatics (5 is minimum)
1 Rockgut Troggoth (3 is minimum)

But that still comes to 2020 points! Dropping down to 40 stabbas puts me at 1920.  Room for another unit easily.

Plus of course will need a loonshrine, as it's zero points!

I think I just need to to put this stuff on the field and roll some dice, see what happens.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Showcase: Evil Sunz Looted Viper Deffkilla Wartrike

It took some time but finally finished this project.

I had to order the base off eBay because GW does not make the 150mm oval separately.  It's MDF so it ads a lot to the weight. 

Very happy with how it came out.  I did as much as I could to copy the original model including the 3 twin boomsticks, the snagga claw with chain and spools and the rockets as the Jets.

The warboss is based on a Reaper Bones Mountain Troll model and is magnetized so I can put him on a regular base and run it on foot - to use the Redder Armor someday.

I got 3 150mm bases so the other 2 are going to go under the UFO's which will count as Megatrakk scrapjets.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Back up and running!

Finally got my file server back up, so videos are resuming the normal schedule.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Stepping up to a more competitive list: Bad Moons/Goffs

After playing the first month or so of the Codex with what I happened to have in my transport - the Evil Sunz - I've decided it's time to take my list up a notch.
I wanted to try out both Skarboyz and Bad Moons Lootas.  Plus the 4++ bad moons warlord trait.

After that the list just wrote itself.

Battalion Detachment.
Kulture: Bad Moons

HQ: Warboss in MegaArmor (Index), PK, Kustom Shoota
 - Da Killa Klaw
 - Warlord: 4++

HQ: Big Mek (index), KFF, Big Choppa

Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots

Heavy: 10 Lootas
Heavy: 15 Lootas

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Goff

HQ: Ghazzy
HQ: Wierdboy
HQ: Big Mek (Index): KFF, Big Choppa

Troops: 30 Slugga boyz, nob w/PK
Troops: 30 Slugga boyz, nob w/PK
Troops: 30 Slugga boyz, nob w/PK

Elite: Nob w/waggh! Banner
Elite: Painboy, Killsaw

Heavy: 3 Mek Gunz, Smasha Gunz

2000pts, 112PL, 13CP

Seems pretty strait forward: upgrade boyz to skarboyz, run them up with the characters while pounding threats from afar with More Dakka/Showoffs-powered Loota fire hiding behind their grot shields.  The wierdboy will always take Warpath and sometimes I'll upgrade to a warphead for Fists of Gork.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Looted Viper Deffkilla wartrike, build complete.

I'm going to call this build done.  Can't see much of the Viper but it's there!  Still have to figure out a base as GW does not sell the 150mm base separately yet.  There are some acrylic/MDF on eBay so I'll probably order one after the holiday.

It's going to be Evil Sunz to match the Mek on Jetbike I made. 

Really happy with the Warboss conversion from the Reaper Bones model.  He's magnetized and I plan on making a 40mm base for him to be on foot if I want.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Upgrades to Evil Sunz Battlewagon

Finished the 'ard case, killkannon and defrolla for the Evil Sunz Battlewagon.

Amazing to me how much different the model is with everything on it.