Saturday, February 22, 2020

Final switch to Bad Moonz

After many games of Freebooterz under my belt I decided to try out essentially the same list as bad moonz.

The results are pretty telling. While the Freebooterz are actually better in Most - but not all - circumstances the Bad Moonz are just more consistent and reliable.

Where the Freebooterz trail starts to fail is against knight armies where you probably won't get a trigger and armies with big negative modifiers to hit. 

Also moving to Bad Moonz allows me to run lootas and use showin' off.  So that's 2 units that can fire twice in a turn with that, and one with Kustom Ammo.

Having lootas shoot twice, even 15 of them, under More Dakka is just unbelievable!

Combined with the Souped Up Shokka or the Gorkanaut fire twice it can be just overwhelming for an opponent.

I do run a unit of boys, but never, ever jump first turn!  The point of them is to attack late game after my opponent has been softened up by mass shooting.  They are great at grabbing objectives, shoot and assault soft objective holding units, and just provide a whole new layer of threat out of no where.

The only unit I am questioning is the 2nd SAG.  But there are not that many HQ choices to replace him with for the points.  Maybe a 2nd wierdboy?   We'll see what happens when Saga of the Beast hits.

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Bad Moonz
HQ: Big Mek w/KFF, KMB, Big Choppa***
HQ: Wierdboy

Troops: 11 Grots
Troops: 11 Grots
Troops: 22 boyz, shootas, nob w/pk, 2x tankbusta bomb

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Bad Moonz
Specialist Detachment: Dread Mob (-1CP)
HQ: Big Mek w/SAG, grot oiler, Da Souped Up Shokka
HQ: Big Mek w/SAG, grot oiler

Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots

Fast: 2x Megatrakk Scrapjets

Heavy: Gorkanaut
Heavy: 4x Mek Gunz, 4x Smasha Gunz
Heavy: 15x Lootas

Air Wing Detachment
Kulture: Bad Moonz
Dakkajet 6x supashootas
Dakkajet 6x supashootas
Wazbomb Blastajet, KFF, Wazbomb mega kannons, smasha gun

1997pts, 110PL, 14(-1) CP

Monday, February 3, 2020

Showcase: Evil Sunz warbikes w/GorkaMorka banners

after many many months I have finally finished this unit!

I absolutely love how they came out.  I plan on getting another unit someday, but for now these will replace one of the units I already have.

Not much else to say,  I would love to get the Evil Sunz back on the table but I need to re-base both units of boys to do so.  Maybe a package of 100 32mm bases is in my future.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Trying out some freebooterz lootas

I am going to try replacing a couple buggies with lootas in my freebootaz list.  I decided on the Shokkumps had to go.  This might move around after some playing.

Sure, Lootas are usually bad moons to use Showin' Off, but I want to see what happens when lootas hit on 4+

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Freebooterz
HQ: Big Mek w/KFF, KMB, Big Choppa***
HQ: Wierdboy

Troops: 11 Grots
Troops: 11 Grots
Troops: 19 boyz, shootas, nob w/pk, tankbusta bomb

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: FreebooterzSpecialist Detachment: Dread Mob (-1CP)
HQ: Big Mek w/SAG, grot oiler, Da Souped Up Shokka
HQ: Big Mek w/SAG, grot oiler

Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots

Fast: 2x Megatrakk Scrapjets

Heavy: Gorkanaut
Heavy: 4x Mek Gunz, 2x Traktor kannon 2x Smasha Gunz

Air Wing Detachment
Kulture: Freebooterz
Dakkajet 6x supashootas
Dakkajet 6x supashootas
Wazbomb Blastajet, KFF, Wazbomb mega kannons, smasha gun

2000pts, 109PL, 13CP

***Yes I know there is technically no dataslate for this unit, so I'm using index Big Mek

I would also like to try this exact list as Bad Moonz, just to see what happens.

Friday, August 30, 2019

One more revision to the Freebooterz list

As I was going back over my previous battles, I realized the one unit of boys really don't do a whole lot.  They purpose of them is to sit back and wait until the shooting has softened everything up.  But just one unit unsupported really doesn't do much.

But one thing I do need is more command points. That means another Battalion and 3 more troops choices.

That's 30 grots at 90pts.  Carefully going over my list the only things I could drop would be either half the boys or the traktor cannons.  I could possibly drop the biker boss but I do need to maintain 4 HQ choices.  Maybe someday I'll buy and 2nd SAG ~~

But enough blabber, here is the new list. 

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Freebooterz
HQ: Big Mek on Bike, KFF, KMB, Big Choppa
HQ: Warboss on bike, PK, Da Killa KlawTroops: 15 Boys, Tankbusta bomb, Nob w/BC
Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: FreebooterzSpecialist Detachment: Dread Mob (-1CP)
HQ: Big Mek w/SAG, Da Souped Up Shokka (-1CP)

Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots

Fast: 2x Shokkjump Dragstas
Fast: 2x Megatrakk Scrapjets

Heavy: Gorkanaut
Heavy: 4x Mek Gunz, 2x Traktor kannon 2x Smasha Gunz

Air Wing Detachment
Kulture: Freebooterz
Dakkajet 6x supashootas
Dakkajet 6x supashootas
Wazbomb Blastajet, KFF, Wazbomb mega kannons, smasha gun

1998 pts, 104 PL, 14(-2) CP

I still have the small unit of boys to jump and assault, but now I also have more units of grots for both grot shield and jumping on to objectives (which was VERY effective late game).

But mainly losing a bit of CC power for a 50% jump in CP is a pretty good trade off IMO.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Updating the Freebooterz list

The biggest problem with my current freebootaz list is the 2 gorkanauts. I only have one and I'm not convinced 2 works. I want some more anti-vehicle hitting power and for that I'm falling back to the new buggies.  Also I have 4 really cool conversions I want to field.

I've had success with Megatrakk Scrapjets in the past, and giving them +1 to hit sounds good.  Even better is the Shokkjump Dragsta's Shockk rifle hitting on 2+

So here is the updated list.

Battalion Detachment
HQ: Big Mek on Bike, KFF, Big Choppa, KMB
HQ: Warboss on Warbike, PK, Da Killa Klaw
HQ: Wierdboy

Troops: 28 Shootas, Nob w/BC, 2x tankbusta bombz
Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots

Air Wing Detachment
Dakkajet, 6x supa-shootas
Dakkajet, 6x supa-shootas
Wazbom BlastaJet, KFF, Mega-Kannons

Spearhead Detachment
Dread Mob (-1cp)
HQ: Big Mek, SAG, Da souped-up Shokka (-1cp)

Heavy: Gorkanaut
Heavy: 2x Mek gunz, smasha gunz
Heavy: 2x Mek gunz, Traktor Kannon

Fast: 2x Megatrakk Scrapjets
Fast: 2x Shokkjump Dragstas

Of course putting the buggies in the Dread Mob so they can use the shoot again stratagem if needed.

That is a lot of heavy-hitting accurate firepower.  The dakkajets and 'naut provide plenty of anti-infantry shooting.  Overall I love this list.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Kustom loota Flashgitz

A long time ago I had an idea to make my own Flashgitz because I simply don't like the pirate aesthetic of the GW kit.  I had no idea what to use for weapons until I decided to use up all the extra heavy bolters I had from all the devastator kits I bought. So I bought a box of Nobz and gave it a shot.

After much trial I finished the first one and loved how it turned out.

But moving on to the 2nd one I realized I could use other weapons as well.  Multi-melta, plasma cannon, etc.  This makes each one much more unique. 

I'm pretty darn happy with how they turned out.  They will be painted up in a simple non-klan specific scheme similar to a majority of my army.

The heads are Steampunk orc heads from Spellcrow.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Re-evaluating Freebooterz Klan Kulture - The list

This is the complete list to accompany the video

Battalion Detachment +5CP (Orks)
Big Mek on Warbike (Index): Kustom Force Field [20pts], Kustom Mega-blasta

Warboss on Warbike (index): Attack Squig, Da Killa Klaw, Power Klaw, Shoota (Index)


29 Boyz: 2x Tankbusta Bombs, Nob w/BC

10x Gretchin
10x Gretchin

Air Wing Detachment +1CP (Orks)
Dakkajet: 6x Supa Shoota
Dakkajet: 6x Supa Shoota

Wazbom Blastajet: 2x Wazbom Mega-Kannons, Kustom Force Field, Smasha Gun, Supa Shoota

Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Orks)
Vigilus Detachment: Dread Waaagh -1CP
Big Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun: Big Killa Boss, Grot Oiler, Shokk Attack Gun, Warlord

Gorkanaut: 2x Rokkit Launcha, Skorcha, 2x Twin Big Shoota
Gorkanaut: 2x Rokkit Launcha, Skorcha, 2x Twin Big Shoota

Mek Gunz
3x Traktor Kannon
3x Smasha Gun

98 PL, 10CP, 2000pts