Sunday, June 29, 2014

Even more Mek Gun scratch builds!

I've finished building 10 Mek Gun Chassis.  I had a problem coming up with wheels, but found some perfect ones on a dollar store quad bike. $2 later I have 8 wheels to finish the last 4 chassis.

Also looking through the toys I found an action figure with a cool looking gun.  Only this one type of gun however, and I think it fits best as a smasha gun . It should paint up real nice especially with some plasma/OSL airbrush work.

I'll keep looking through cheap toys, if I can't find anything I'll just get more of these and modify them for tracktor kannons and kustom mega-cannons.

I'll be working on the paint on these guys slowly, as not only did I pick up another commission, but I am also thinking I need more mek models..

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Mek Guns - 5 now completed!

Lots of work done!  5 total guns are now complete.  I'm starting to run out of materials lol.

The first two guns are made with extendable arms so they can be towed. Just so happens the Trukk kit has a hook on the back that's perfect for the job!

No effect in game, but will look cool on the display board!

I need to come up with more ideas for wheels, but I may end up just getting more Trukk wheels off ebay.

Quick update, more soon!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Scratch building Ork Mek Guns

Codex isn't even out yet..hell the model isn't even officially released yet but I love Ork artillery so much that I will continue to use them after the book comes out.

I did notice the GW website does not say the new kit can make the old Big Guns - Lobbas, kannon and zzap.  I hope that does not mean these options are going to be removed in favor of the new options.  I mean lobbas are not only the best current option but are just flat-out amazing overall.  In units of 5 they could be just insane.

I can see the zzap gun going away though, as the Smasha gun is obviously superior.  But to think the Bubble Chukka would be a replacement for lobbas is insane. I'll literally cry if I lose my lobbas!

In the spirit of fair play, I can't keep using my current models. It's not like I have the old metal Big Guns models..everything i have is converted or scratch built and way undersized even compared to even the old models. So it's time for an upgrade..both in stature and style.

I'm really happy so far on how these are coming out. I'll have to come up with repeatable ides for the rest of the guns..I'm hoping to find something to loot from the dollar store or something to they can be easily repeatable.

These take about, oh 3-4 hours each to build. I am also cannibalizing my old Lobbas for wheels and bits. My goal will be to eventually have 10 (maybe more) guns..4-5 lobbas, 4 tracktor cannons, 4 smasha guns and 2-3 Kustom Mega-kannons as options.  Right now I don't have any money for additional parts so I'll go with what I have.  I might get more Trukk wheels..I do like the look of them for sure.

Anyway, pics!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Stratch built Ork Void Shield Generator

Yep, the build is done. I need to hit the wood with sanding sealer, but that's it.

I'm incredibly happy with how it came out, and the cost of this is so low as to be almost trivial.     The center is more of the bits from the power plant kit, and they will be painted like the power plant terrain piece, as if one of the lines going into the ground comes up and powers the VSG.

Anyway, pics.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Next project, day 2..

Figured out what it is yet?

Orkifying round things is a lot harder then flat things.

On to the next project!

With the Riptide done, my next project is under way, one I've been wanting to do for a while.

What is it? Guess!

More to come!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Riptide Complete!

I know the Tau codex has been out a while, but I've only been able to get a riptide a couple months ago, and now I've finally finished painting it.

I just went with the same color scheme as the rest of my Tau of course, doing it similar to my Crisis suits.  I did do the edge highlighting, which is something my first round (which is a vast majority of the army) did not get.  Someday if I care I'll go back and touch-up/highlight/varnish my army.  Today is not that day.

This is such an awesome model.  It does take quite a bit of work to paint though, being so large. I don't know what I'm gong to do when I run out of Fenris Grey though..

On to the next project!  I plan on finally painting up my Longstrike next.  Then it will be time to come up with something for Mek Guns.