Saturday, December 22, 2012

Update: Dropzone Commander magnetized

I received my order from K&J Magnetics, and finally had a chance to finish off the work on my existing models.  All the vehicles are now magnetized to the drop ships, and stay on there pretty well.  The Scout walkers will a little harder, but I got it done.

I also picked up a couple regular model kits for 75% off from a closeout at my local HobbyTownUSA.  I missed most of it though, sucks.  They had a stack of HO scale building kits..oh man I wish they were N scale because that's what I need for DZC.

In a couple months with taxes I plan on building a DZC table.  My new place has more then enough room to set up a full sized gaming table, so that is also on the list.

Anyway, pics..

Now I need to figure out a color scheme..

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dropzone Commander!

First, the good news: I found a new place with just 3 days to spare!  Everything is moved in but still have a lot to do. I also went to storage tonight and grabbed most of my hobby stuff.

Bad news: well, there is no bad news! 

Best news: I was finally able to pick up some Dropzone Commander, specifically a PHR starter army to go along with the other 2 blisters I have

I have put together the first unit, magnets and all.  I found I need more magnets of the right size, and the models I have don't actually make a legal list...but that's easy to fix.

The walkers are magnetized to the connection points and the dropship is magnetized onto the flying stand.  The walkers would be awesome on 25mm bases but that would look silly dangling in the air..

Anyway I have a lot to comment on the models themselves, but will do that in an upcoming video.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Blood Axe Dakkajet almost done

Just about finished it up.  I need to do some pin washing on the panel lines and weathering but that's going to be on hold for a while. 

Pretty much loving the Blood Axe look, and they don't seem very common so I'll be using this color scheme on all my models moving forward.

I am planning on getting a new set of Tau models and painting/basing to match the Orks for Bay Area Open.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blood Axe Dakkajet work in progress.

With depression setting in from my impending homelessness, getting passion for the hobby has been hard.  But I made a commitment to continue the Freebootaz challenge for another month, and this time I picked my Dakkajet. Needs to be finished by midnight on the 15th..3 color minimum + based.

Blood Axe, of course.  I think this is the way my army will trend over time. Blood Axes are so under represented.

Anyway last night I build the base, pretty standard cracked desert.    Tonight I primed the base, and finished the airbrush work on the plane.

I absolutely love how it came out!

Colors used are Badger Model Flex Camouflage Grey base with Roof Brown and Earth used for the camo pattern. The bottom is Tamiya Acrylic aircraft grey.  I picked up the Tamiya paint a while ago and have been wanting to try it out. Pretty good stuff, it is. Will be used on the ME-262 if I ever finish it.

Oh, and it was all done with my $15 Harbor Freight airbrush.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Real quick: My latest conversion.

Just finished this guy tonight, a new loota. Need to replace one of the guys I'm not happy with.

The heavy psycannon was given to me after I mentioned how awesome it would be as a loota.  It is.  Awesome, that is.

He might become my new favorite loota over the hurricane bolter guy.  Maybe.  Either that or I'll make a full unit of 10 from just heavy psycannons.  Maybe.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Iron Warriros Rhino complete!

Finished up my second model for Toys for Tots this year, a Rhino.  Lots of weathering.  Really, really like how it turned out.  The Havoc launcher is magnetized, and I have hidden magnets for the front.  The rear hatch opens and is magnetized, but the inside isn't's for storage.

Thanks for looking!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Army all done and ready to go!

I actually finished everything I needed to do.  Surprised myself, really.

Built 2 big shootas and 1 extra shootaboy for the 30man nobless squad
Built and magnetized base for quad gun
Primed above

Drilled barrels and did mold lines on 22 sets of shoota arms. Pulled off slugga arms, cleaned up the model and glued on the shootas.

Farewell, slugga boys. It's been fun.
So for the lobbas I pulled the kannons off their bases and just glued on some tubes. Crude, but effective.  Someday I'll go back and magnetize everything.

Also had to adjust the list..realized that I had not paid for the targeting arrays.  Dropped a couple boys and a blacksun to get me back to 1999pts.

So off to bed, 5hrs of sleep and then time to go play with my little plastic toy soldiers all day.