Saturday, June 30, 2012

6th edition FAQ's up, and Vampire Counts?

The 6th edition FAQ's are now available.  My take on the Orks:

Not bad. Still confused on how Profit of the Waggh! works now, but I guess I actually need the rulebook, eh?

So while waiting on the FAQ to post I dug out some Vampire Counts to work on. Betcha forgot I have a good-sized VC army?  I spent a lot on it when the book dropped, so I have a lot in boxes. Still need 1-2 boxes of the monstrous infantry guys and a mortis engine.

I might try to get a 1500pt game in tomorrow. I put together 5 hexwraiths and my finecast Varghulf.  I remembered how much I do love the finecast material, it's so easy to work with.

I really wanted to get the hexwraiths out of the way so I can try to put the plastic black knight riders on the old plastic horses. I hate the metal hybrid black knights. I'll give that  go later.

For now, bedtime and then a run to get my book!

Friday, June 29, 2012

6th edition eve!

Tomorrow is the big day!  I have my book on pre-order hopefully I'll get my paycheck today so I can get it, otherwise I'll have to wait until Monday.

Summery of released information from an Ork perspective:

Furious charge is getting a serious nerf. first no initiative boost at all, and if you multi-assault then you don't gain any benefit from it period. So no more assaulting multiple rhinos or chimeras. might mean taking stikkbombz a good idea so you can get that S4 no matter what, depends on the grenade rules though.

The psychic power "terrify" removes fearless from a unit. Could be potentially bad.

Snapfire though is going to make lootas and shootas absolutely insane. No, worse then that. Really, really f*&^ing insane.

No more wound allocation takes nobs down a notch, but then makes paladins easier as well

Our vehicles won't gain or lose much at all. If anything they will be easier to destroy with the KFF dropping to 5+

Stormboyz might be worth trying out with their I10 "impact" hit and their max 30" assault range.

Wierdboys boost the psychic defense roll. So in 2k when you can take 2 force orgs getting one in a key unit might not be a bad idea.

Really sucks no access to new powers

Allies will be fun. I would love to add 3 broadsides to my 30 lootas.

Biggest change by far is the end of No Retreat! That alone makes up for any other shortcomings.

Power weapons = Ap3 = MEGANOBZ RULE! Come here, DCA :)

I think any form of Mechanized army will suffer from how much easier vehicles will be to wreck.

However foot horde shooty armies are going to get a good boost. Not like they really needed it.

Remaining questions:
How will Prophet of the Waaggh! interact with new fleet rule
Will Ambush! still be able to bring an IC along

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nerfhammer #2 - Now this is just getting rediculous..

Now guess what? Pics are out of the psychic abilites. And guess what? there is one that removes fucking fearless!

Not only is "Terrify" a level 1 spell, removes fearless but also causes fear tests and an immediate pinning test!

Oh, ya, we get an amazing 6+ save against. it. Big. Fucking. Deal. Did I mention Primaris Psychers can get it? So now you can combine Terrify with...weaken resolve!  yep nothing like having a 30 boy unit pinned for the whole game or worse yet, lose just 8 models and run off the table!

Before you say "ya but.." don't forget ally rules..there will be lots of psychers everywhere.

What are Orks claim to fame? Furious charge and fearless. Now both are seriously weakened, and combined with the lack of inherent psychic defense means Orks will have to ally with a psycher to even have a chance.

Oh, ya, and weirdboys don't get any of the new power on top of all of it...

More bad news.. Furious Charge hit with the nerfhammer!

Ugh more bad news for Orks.  Furious Charge is getting a serious, serious nerf. Just read for yourself:

So not only do we lose the initiative (ya getting pounded by guardsmen again) but if you make a multi-charge (that's what "disordered charge" means)  you don't even get the S boost.  That means if Orks multi-charge they can't hurt vehicles at all!  WTF GW really?

The more I see the more I think CC is getting seriously nerfed in general. Like shooting wasn't already dominant, I was hoping for the exact opposite..CC needs a boost not a nerf!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Orks and Tau allies - revisit

OK fine, so I can't 9 broadsides. Only 3.  So time to revisit the list and see what I can do.

HQ: Big Mek, KFF, cybork, bosspole (100)
Troop: 30 Shootas (rokkits, nob) (250)
Troop: 30 Shootas (rokkits, nob) (250)
Troop: 30 Sluggas (Nob) 220

Elite: 15 Lootas (225)
Elite: 15 Lootas (225)
Elite: 12 Kommandos, 1x burna + Snikrot (220)

HQ: Shas'o, HW Drone controller, Target lock, TL Missile pods, HW blacksun
2x Shield drones (106)

Troop: 10 Firewarriors (120)

Heavy: 3x Broadsides (A.S.S., Team Leader, HW drone, HW target lock, HW blacksun, 2x shield drones) (283)


The firewarriors basically replace the Grots in my current list, and the broadsides replace the big guns.  I loose the punch of Ghazzy, but I could still drop a unit of boys for him. Or Mad Doc. Now that mad doc is coming in finecast I am going to pick one up for darn sure.

The blacksuns will of course help mitigate the insane amount of night fighting that will be in 6th. Plus being able to move the Lootas and still shoot will help there as well.  The sluggas will continue to be the screening unit and the shootas will be ready to overwatch whatever comes their way.

I've already been known to shoot GK off the table.  Now I can just do it even better.

I also might end up dropping the A.S.S depending on how the new relentless rules work.

6th edition will throw 40k on it's side. Allies will really mean you don't know what you will be facing, at all.

My other idea is to put together a Lord Commissar and a 50-man platoon to go with my Blood Angels.  50 guardsmen with stealth, stubborn, fnp and being able to move and shoot plasma at range? Yes, please.

Terminator Librarian WiP

Finishing off my Blood Angels Characters with a Terminator Librarian with Storm Shield.  Not much of a conversion especially compared to the Captain, but he does not need as much either.

Besides with the new powers in 6th I might want to run Libby's more anyway.

Enjoy!  Paint starting next week.

Get ready for the PAIN!!! - Lootas in 6th

One word will soon strike fear in all players of 40k: Lootas.

Dakka dakka dakka dakka!!

Lootas are soon to be the premier shooting unit in the game, by a large margin. They were already amazing in the 5th ed rhino-heavy meta.  But now with the new rules in 6th they will be astonishingly deadly.

Going from BS2 to BS1 isn't a big deal.  Lootas already have the volume of fire that makes up for that.  But with so many advantages gained by dropping to BS1 I can't wait for 6th now.

Snapfire: Shoot any assaulting unit at BS1, while giving up nothing.  I dare genestealers or Wolf Scouts to come at me now.  Muhahaha.
Move and shoot: (unconfirmed) Heavy weapons can move and shoot at BS1.  Wow. Moving lootas.  one game, long ago, I got to play with relentless lootas. It wasn't pretty. I could even keep them with the KFF..
Flyers: Zooming flyers hit on 6's.  With AV10. Whoopie! Dead flyers!
Glancing: 3 glancing hits? Not a problem!

The downside is that with cover mostly moving to a 5+ I'll either have to bring my own walls or use the 2nd FoC to bring additional characters with bosspoles. A mek with bosspole is 40pts, a small investment to keep the lootas on the table.

The only hard part for me is if it's worth dropping Snikrot for 15 more lootas...