Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts

Friday, July 22, 2016


Yay another milestone on the blog, 300,000 views.

I know there hasn't been much posted lately..and that's mainly because of all the time I've spent on the Helicarrier project over the last 3 months.

That's done now, and I hope to get back into a more regular painting schedule.  I don't have a lot of Ork stuff left but I do have some Tau, some Necrons (To go with the Tau) and some Blood Angels (aka Red Iron Hands) coming up soon.

Pics and video of the Helicarrier either tomorrow or Monday.

Thanks again!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Youtube wargamming parody video

Holy crap I got parodied! I'm absolutely amazed I do something that can be parodied lol!

This video has me in tears! Spot on in so many ways!  Thanks a lot guys, it really made my day.

Working on a side project waiting for Tau..a slannesh character for a possibly future ally project.

So that's it for now. I've been pouring over Tau rumors desperately waiting on the codex.