Showing posts with label terrain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrain. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Showcase: Kromlech Orc Barracks

 Finally getting time for hobby again, and man do I miss it.

Starting with getting the Kromlech terrain done that I've had sitting on the shelf for what..a year? More?  Not sure but it needs to be done.

This was a lot of fun and quite easy to paint.  The Mek Workshop will be a lot harder. Anyway enjoy and back to the brush!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Showcase: Kromlech Orc Dakka Bunkers

Very happy with these kits. Not only are they cheaper than the official GW model, but were very easy to put together, look great and are perfect for keeping stuff alive.


These might even end up in a battle report soon. Will be almost strange playing Orks again.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Showcase: Garden of Moor


So that's what I've been slowly working on for a while. Put the Garden of Moor on a base and replaced the angel statue with a space marine.  It's a kit provided by my FLGS I put together and painted up.  Nothing but some basic drybrushing, but since it's not mine I didn't want to put a lot of work into it considering it probably won't last long.

Anyway working on some DA for the new codex next.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Ork Helicarrier takes the cake!

I built the helicarrier for a reason, a local club tournament that is one of the biggest deals around here, OFCC.  They also have a nice table competition and the Helicarrier blew everyone away landing me the prize of Fabricator General for the 2nd year in a row. It was the talk of the con.   Really can't complain about that!

Every one that played on it said it was great for gaming, with plenty enough and varied enough terrain.  Most people also made up their own special rules! Can you believe that?~?  It also survived the 9-10 games with only 1 gun barrel being broken off the gun. How's that for durability?

Anyway some pics of people playing their games on it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ork Helicarrier!

yes I finally finished and took a picture of my completed Helicarrier gaming table.  Full 4x6, all terrain moves and the edges provide cover to infantry.  Everything came out fantasitc.

Video is up as well with more detail and models on it to see how it would play out.

If I have time before this weekend I plan on making a special scenario for it.  Also needs some instructions to help with terrain I think. More on that later.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

IDICBeer's Terrain Square Competition build complete.

I've been working on stuff, just have not been posting much about it.

I painted up a pair of Iron Priests on Thunderwolves and an Imperial Fists Librarian on bike for commission, but didn't take any pics.

I've also picked up 6 more Meganobz and been working on those.

Anyway, I've finished building a pair of terrain pieces for IDICBeer's competition this year.

Water tower and pumping station.  

Storage shed with crow's nets.

I have about 3 weeks to finish these and only took a few days to build.  Primer and paint soon.

Anyway I promise not to neglect the blog so much.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Ork power plant terrain piece complete!

Wow what a month!  I actually finished everything I had planned. The Firewarriors, 7 bikes for a commission and the power plant.  I'm quite impressed with myself - I didn't even lose sleep over this stuff either lol.

Anyway, pics!

Now that I have all this done it's time to relax and do some stuff I want to do..mainly paint the hangar and build some Trukks.  I might get another commission doing a StormTalon for the same guy I've done the bikes for.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ork power plant terrain part 2

Progress on the power plant. I finished the cooling and pumping station, with pipes, bolts and the cooling towers with greenstuff made to look like welds. Very happy with it.

The plaster is damaged along the bottom, and I was going to fix it but decided to leave looks like it's rusted away which is perfect.

Also finished the walls and paths. 

Very happy with it so far, but I will have to take a break from it to work on a comission.

Pics, for now!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Ork power plant terrain pice very early work in progress..

For IDIC Beer's March contest I'm building an Ork power generation plant based on the Pegasus Hobbies Power Plant kit.

I have a lot to say.. but I'll save that for a video. Just a couple of quick pics of the early stages..

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dakkajet hangar build complete!

I actually finished this a while ago, but didn't take any pics until tonight.

Finished the ground and the 2nd door.  It's freaking awesome.  Paint will come after the Thunderfire is done.

Not much to say, so!

Friday, January 10, 2014

More on the Ork Dakkajet hangar..doors and floor.

Quick update, but quite a bit of work. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what to do for a floor as I didn't just want a wood floor. I was looking at some patterned plasticard but at $11 for enough to do it, I couldn't justify it.

I wanted a concrete look, so I went with the next best option..plaster of paris. I did a poor just as if I was doing a real concrete floor. I made the plaster a bit wattery to make it easier to spread out, but that ended up causing the water damage to the sides. Which makes it look better, actually.  Lesson learned! Despite that, I *LOVE* how it came out.

Ya it's kinda boring in the pic, but AWESOME in person!

The other stumbling block was the front door. I was going over many ideas in my mind, and looking at pics of real doors online.  A lot of hangars have doors that slide open side-to-side, but that requires large brackets that sit outside the silhouette of the building, and thus would be highly impracticable for this terrain piece.

So after sitting for 4 days, I was driving around and the solution hit me..and after dropping everything and working on it last night the the result is absolutely perfect. A functional door that folds out of the way completely so I can still get the Dakkajet inside, yet does not leave the footprint of the base of the piece. And it looks awesome.

So now I'm really, really close to done. Just have to build the second door, finish off the ground work around the building, and seal up the edges of the foamcore.

More to come!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ork Dakkajet hangar update

Spending a little time each day after work, the hangar is coming along quite nicely.

Some patch panels, door and window in the back.

Side window. This was actually quite a bit of work, and I really like how it came out.

Put in a skylight, and also added a "florescent light"  to the underside of the roof. I've since added a second one.

Even ran wires for the light..

Finally, I built a large crow's nest on the roof to give a nice shooting position. This will be awesome on the tabletop.

I still have to figure out what I'm going to do with the front doors and the floor. 

I realized I could have actually lit up the inside with LED's, but in reality I don't have the money right now to invest in I'll have to stay with the pretend lighting.

This should be done in the next couple of days.  Until next time!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Next project up: Ork Dakkajet hangar

Right on the heels of finishing the Thunderfire build, I jumped into my next idea which I've actually had for a long Ork hangar.  The idea was born when I opened up some Asus motherboards at work and saw this nice, clean and perfectly sized corrugated cardboard in them.

The idea is to have a Mek's workshop/Dakkajet hangar as a centerpiece of my (future) gaming table. It's pretty substantial, being on a 12x12" board and fairly high.  There is a lot of room inside and with the removable roof gives lots of gaming options.

Lots of detail work to go, but the basic structure is down and I think it's amazing..just what I wanted!

Anyway, pics.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Quick review: Imperial Defense Emplacement.

I volunteered to paint a pair of the Imperial Defense Emplacement kits for my FLGS. 

It's a simple kit in 8 parts that still has a lot of detail.

The downside, like all the Wall of Martyr kits, is the martyrs themselves. The bodies and gear scattered around the front. I covered all of that up with simple spackle, giving a good rocky look.

A quick and easy paintjob with lots of drybrushing, washes and sponges gives the kit a pretty good look.

It's the perfect size for GW infantry models, as shown with some firewarriors. Clear line of sight but still good cover.  The kit is modular, so you can arrange it in a variates of ways and of course, it's all compatible with all the other Wall of Martyrs kits.

Overall the kit looks great, is quick and easy to assemble and paint, and will work great in game for decent cover. Get enough Wall of Martyrs kits and you can even use as an aegis!

Clocking in at under $30, not a bad value overall.

Rating 4 out of 5 WAGGHHS!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Stone Alter terrain done

Finished the stone alter - swamp terrain to match the tree stand I made a while ago. Simple build, quick and fun to make.  The tree stand was pretty epic, took a lot of time and effort. This was super quick by comparison. The stone tablet is plaster, I made my own mold from plasticard and hot glue. I was originally going to break it for a ruin, but I liked the smoothness so much I left it as-is lol.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Terrain done.

Wow this was way more work then I expected. The trees which were the inspiration were not that bad, the clay work on those didn't take long. The rest of it though was far more time intensive then I wanted.

The biggest time sink was probably the vines and plants. After getting the base done with Spackle, I decided that having just trees wouldn't work. So I spent the next few hours sculpting, baking and gluing plants, leaves and vines. Ugh. However the result was more then worth it.

I don't know how people crank out terrain. This was days of work, for just 1 piece.

Anyway next project is a Hawk Lords marine. After that more razorback, nob bikers and death company dreadnought.

And finally a unit of Firewarriors move through the swamp