Showing posts with label off topic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label off topic. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2016

My review of Luke Cage.

Several times while watching it I did find myself actually bored, waiting for something to happen. The first half is well paced, but right about the first plot twist it slows way down to more political pandering and manipulation that stuck me as oddly similar to Star Wars Episode 1. It did pick back up again for sure, however I found the climax didn't live up to the hype. It was over very quickly and then moved all the people into position for a possible Season 2.

The acting was superb all around. The characters were well rounded, deep and interesting. The one exception was the star, who shined at times but had trouble relaying the layers of the Cage character. It might have been the writing as well, but sometimes he was fantastic and others he just wasn't believable.

There is, of course, much more to this series. Harlem itself could almost be considered a character. It was more then the backdrop for the story, but was integral to it. The music also was outstanding with a mix of classic and modern R&B and some stellar hip-hop (of which I am not a fan but I enjoyed it). Racial issues were front and center the entire time, both good and bad. They did not sugar coat anything related to black on black crime, but didn't sugar coat race and police issues either. My favorite line came early "Everyone has gun, no one has a father". There were also several jokes about "nothing police fear more then a bulletproof black man." Overall it was very thought provoking.

Lastly the tone of the show was quite a bit different then Jessica Jones or Daredevil, no where near as dark. The action wasn't as brutal as I found in Daredevil (the season 1 hallway fight is the best thing ever in media IMO), and the themes were not as troubling and damaging as Jones. It was quite refreshing and made it no where near as hard to watch as the others.

I have to give it 3.5 out of 5 stars. the pacing in the second have left much to be desired, and it just didn't hold my attention quite as much as the previous Netflix/Marvel series.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Showcase: Another scale model Mongram '55 F-100 Street Rod

I finally have some 40k incoming, but tonight I finished up another scale model.

It's another really super cheap kit, with a $12.99 MSRP that I got at 40% off just before Christmas.

The kit is very simple which makes it a fun and relaxing build.

The color is Testor's Lacquer Metallic Plum Crazy and it's just a beautiful color!!

Tax refund is here which means a restock of 40k kits for the year. Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Showcase: Off topic - no 40k to paint! MPC '92 Firebird Formula

I am in the very rare position of not having any 40k models to paint. None.  I have a handful of models un-assembled but none of them can produce anything there's no point.

So instead I've been working on non-warhammer stuff, specifically model cars and Warmachine.

Tax refund time is almost upon me so that will end my drought and give me (hopefully) a whole year's worth of stuff to do.  For now, enjoy this MPC '92 Firebird Formula I finished. The paint came out pretty snazzy.  Good prep makes for good paint!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Freebootaz (40k Radio forum) Toys for Tots 2013 auctions coming soon!

This project started early in the year, so at the time we picked the newest codex to use for the Toys for Tots auctions...Dark Angels.  It was already in place before Tau or Eldar, so we couldn't go back.

This year we a competition for a 2000pt list, involving all 3 "colors" of the DA codex, so it had to have some regular marines, termies and ravenwing models.  My donation is here.

The primary auction's 2k list is below:

*Tact Squad 1: 10Man/Vet Sarg w/Power Weapon & Meltabombs/ Flamer/ Heavy Bolter
*Drop Pop
*Tact Squad 2: 10Man/ Vet Sarg w/Power Weapon & Meltabombs/ Meltagun/ Multimelta
*Scout Squad: 5Man Camo Cloaks and Sniper Rifles
*Deathwing Terminators: 5Man/ 2x Thunderhammer Stormshields/ Cyclone Missile Launcher
*Dreadnought: Assault Cannon Heavy/ Flamer
* Dread Drop Pod
*Veteran Squad: 7Man Swords instead of Bolters/2x Power Weapon/ Flamer
*Drop Pod (multi color LEDS, weapons magnetized)
Fast Attack
*Dark Talon (multiple LEDS)
*Ravenwing Darkshroud/Vengeance (fully swappable magnetized)
*Ravenwing Attack Squadron: 5 Bikes/ Vet Sarg W/Power Weapon & Meltabombs/ Meltagun/ Meltagun
Heavy Support
*Aegis Defense Line W/Quadgun
*Devestator Squad: 5Man/ 4x Missile Launcher w/Flakk upgrade
Codex Dark Angels Limited edition ( I'll get the C.o.A. # and post it here)

Not the most competitive, but it is playable.

There were also many other models donated, and so there will be additional acutions:

2nd auction
10 man Tac Sqd with Meltagun
Rhino (FW chapter doors and multiple LEDS)
LE DV Chappy Seraphicus

3rd Auction (Hunt for the Fallen!)
RW Nephilim Fighter
RW 6man sqd, Power sword sgt melta bombs, 2 meltaguns
RW Assault bike Multi Melta
RW Landspeeder Typhoon (Magnatized LEDS)

4th auction
5 Tac marines
5 Assault marines

5th Auction (Lord of the Castle Keep)
Ezekiel Master of the Secrets
(UK based Ebay auction, so shipping is not crazy for the UK)

6th Auction
10 man Tac Sqd with Meltagun
Rhino (FW chapter doors and multiple LEDS) 

Just a quick heads up on what is coming down the road.  The auctions are planned to go live in about 2 weeks.

If you're not interested in the auctions, we also have t-shirts available with 100% of proceeds going to Toys for Tots.  Ya, they are a bit expensive but it's for a good cause!

I'll give a Youtube update once the auctions are live.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Off topic train: Youtube networks and 4 stupid things.

If you've been watching my Youtube stuff, you'll know that I've recently started a new series called 4 Stupid (Warhammer 40k) Things. It's not an original idea at all, but if I keep the topic on 40k I don't think I'll be stepping on anyone's toes.

BTW, the next installment is written, recording shortly..

I'm hoping this new series will grow my channel, and add some much needed levity to 40k in general.

In the last few months I've received many messages about joining a Youtube network. What is a network? Well basically it's a company that takes a cut of your adsense revenue in exchange for production and promotion assistance or ditches the entire Google advertising model and sells it's own on your content.

Either way they try to sell themselves as a way to earn more money.  I've been reading a lot online about specific networks and networks in general, and so far I'm not that impressed. Looks like Tony over at The Sustainable Center has joined one, so I guess it can't be all bad.

But the questions remain. I've not responded yet to any inquires, and thankfully Freddie Wong has a great post about the pitfalls of a network. I'm not a lawyer, and it looks like you can easily be taken advantage of if you're not careful with the contract.

Anyway, for now there will be no changes on my channel or blog. Just expect more 4S(40k)T, at least 1 a week..not like there isn't a huge list of things to comment on...

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Nurgle Chaos Lord on bike complete!

Finished off the Nurgle commission with the Lord.

Not feeling much on commentary, just pics!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Massive hobby update!

After dropping off my daughter at her first day of 2nd grade, I grabbed the airbrush for a nice, long session. Last night I also finished the base and pilot for the Dakkajet.

It's off to a great start. Finishing it will be quite easy.

I also got paint and primer on the ME-262 diorama project. The plane got it's base colors..but not much in the camo patter that's on the box..but I love the colors.  I then primed the Kubelwagon, primed and based the figures in Luftwaffe blue.

Lastly, primer on the Enterprise-D

That's 3 different projects worked on today. I plan on finishing the Enterprise tonight.

Friday, August 30, 2013

ME-262 Diorama planning: Kubelwagen Type 82, more? Hobby ADD!

I picked up this little Tamiya kit a few months back for less then $4. I decided to put it together last night after finishing the bikes. It was quick and easy, has less then 50 parts including the figures. It's a cute little car.


It looks so cool I came up with the idea of pairing it with a plane for a little diorama, and then I remembered my long-abandoned ME-262..and how convenient it just happens to be 1/48 as well! Perfect!  If I can come up with a few bucks, I might try and get a couple more little kits to go with it (Mainly the Tamiya "German aircraft power supply") and put it on a grassy field/runway.

I also dug out my X-1 Dakkajet and put a hole in it to use a flight stand.  That will get painted real soon, for my September Frebootaz painting challenge.

So a couple of time-wasting hobby ADD projects as I continually avoid Space Wolves. Though I do need them done by November 9th for a tournament.

Monday, July 30, 2012

A quick look through the project box

I'm sure everyone has one, a box or bin or something where projects sit for months..years..between times getting touched.  I keep mine close by.  In addition to the box, I have large bins I use for more current/pressing/larger projects.

So left to right. First is a misc bin with old bases, part of a Finecast KFF mek, and 3 Wargames Factory stormtroopers I put together for painting practice...and are still primed. Plus some bits and other misc models.

Next over I have a couple single model projects. Mainly is a Hawk Lords tactical marine I've been trying to get back too for a very long time. I'm using glazing to do the highlights, and really like the results so far.  I need to finish it, and I'm sure it wouldn't take long if I actually did it.  

I also have a Finecast Boss Zagstruck. It's been kinda waiting for me to get to cleaning up the stormboys.  Very much back burner. Also have the mek from the stompa kit, I want to paint this up and put him on the stompa.  Lastly is the Dwarf I won from Badgrendel's giveaway. I was going to try NMM on him, but he has so very little plate showing I decided to wait.  I did a drybrush of black metallic, then doing zenith highlights of boltgun and chainmail, finally a black wash.

Hair and beard will be done as grey, representing his character status.  getting to the face is going to be hard with the shield in the way.

Last bin has a few mushrooms I made for my Orcs & Goblins, the bits from the stormraven. I finished hightlighting these things, just waiting on the finished product. I got the first highlight on the flyer itself at least!  I also have my objective markers I made for the 6th mission with 6 of them. But I realized as I was making the last one they should have been on 40mm bases. Still trying to figure out how to work around it..

So that's my project box. Other stuff I have in bins is the 10 remaining Orcs with HW/Shield and Grimgor, and the jet battlewagon.  Other non-wargamming projects is the Revell helicopter and the very long-forgotten ME-262 model.

So that's the stuff I have sitting around being ignored. What's on your "project box" list?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Jeep completed

Finished up the SMA group build model, M151A2 Hardtop with trailer just in time. Not completely happy with the outcome but I simply was short on time and I have a lot of stuff to do!  I have a little less then 4 months to finish painting my Orcs and Goblins...and I'm worried. It's 100 infantry, the warmachines and the big spider...

Anyway, pics..

Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekend of hobby ADD

Had a lot of time to work on stuff this weekend, and got a lot done.  Just not on any one project.

Finished the unit of 40 night goblin spear-men.  Started by re-doing the snow angel guy, recessing it into the base instead of sitting on top. Much, much better. The 2nd unit filler is a mushroom farmer.

Next I pretty much finished building the helicopter.  Bought some Testor's clear parts glue. Works great, but hard to work with. Need to either mask the windows or just brush it.  Has been very enjoyable to work on.

Lastly started in on my Cybork Mek.  I did some experimenting with the skin, because I want a pallid servitor-like color with a bit of green. Need some more experimenting..

So lots going on. Over the next week I'll be concentrating on the mek, and after that assembly of the Barracuda and Orcs & Goblins. I want to get the Orcs at least completely built asap.

Friday, December 30, 2011

New year

So 2011 is coming to a close, and 2012 is fast approaching.  It's that time again to reflect where you've been and look at the road ahead.

First, I found my camera. It was on my kid's table.  Out in the open.  I'm going blind faster then I thought lol. 

I've been working on the last of my black orcs.  Mainly because they are super fast and easy to paint.  I have one left to do, which I will be doing for a tutorial on youtube. 

I just need to varnish and base 6 of them.  

Also been working on the copter, with the interior painted and glossed, waiting for decals. Also doing some gap filling with GW Liquid GS.


The group build which I'm doing the jeep for is halfway over. Need to bust out the rest of that sometime. Painting it will be pretty easy, everything is olive drab lol. Some washing, some details, some weathering and done.

So that is an update on where I'm at.  I'll be both posting here and making videos about 2011 and 2012 in the next couple of days.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Just great..

somehow my one and only camera with a decent macro focus has gone missing from Christmas photo taking.  So I can't show off my work that I've been doing.

Painted the interior of the helicopter.  Almost done with my Black Orcs.  But no pics for now, sorry.  It's really starting to piss me off, I want to put up pics!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Aimlessly doing stuff.

Yep, totally not focused on any one thing.

I have 4 black orcs almost done

Been working a lot on my SMA group build M151A2. Photoetched stuff is both fun and hard.

Also picked up a super cheap helicopter model I've started as well.

I'm saving my KFF mek for January and the start of the 2012 painting challenge. 

Plus I've been super slammed at work, and with the other tech going on vacation I expect it to only get worse.  Good thing I have to work on my birthday..

Anyway..sudden pics.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Time to relax?

Well not like anyone can really relax during the holiday season. 

But I finished up both the last 2 Night Goblins and my Battlescape, which was done for the freebootaz challenge.  Pics to come soon on that. Until then, check out my videos on miniwargaming.

Well now I'm in a low point in painting, with noting pressing I need to do. There is a lot of stuff I could do, though.  I have a lot of Orcs and Goblins to assemble, I have a handful of 40k projects to do, which I sorta started in on with weathering some of the battlewagon. But I'm not sure I want to do much right now. 

Anyway more to come, someday..

Saturday, November 26, 2011

What? A whole week?

Ugh it's been a whole week for a post? wow I'm slacking.  Not just here either!

Lots have been going on, that's for sure. First I was approved into the miniwargaming partner program beta, and have already made a new video just for MWG.  We'll see how that works out over time.

Wednesday was open play instead of a league night because of the holiday, so I got in a 2k game with my Orcs & Goblins.  I wasn't too impressed with the Orc Shaman, maybe because I'm too use to magic mushrooms.  Talk about an amazing ability!!! A couple of dice rolls went against me, resulting in a complete tabling of the Orcs vs my cousins tomb kings. Not much to say about the game, manglers and bad moon ripped stuff up, but failing a re-rolled LD8 stubborn test with my big'uns really turned the game against me.

I've had a few real-life things get in the way. Mostly thanksgiving of course, but also spent some time trying to fix my PVR/Bedroom tv and getting some stuff on ebay. Meh.  It's ok I was kinda burned out on painting anyway.

What spare time I have had, I used on my Jeep project over at SMA.  It's coming along nicely, and It's quite the change of pace from wargamming stuff.

So ya that's about it. I've been working on the last 2 guys for my big block of 2 hand weapon Orcs and on the second chariot. I hope to get both done before Sunday, I'll be painting during the Civil War..Go Ducks!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Too busy painting to update..

LOL I'm still fucking crazy.  Black Orcs are nearly done, and I have plans do to a lot of airbrushing and washing with the boys to make them go super quick. Plus I'm taking the last 3 days of the month off to paint them Damnit, I'm gonna finish.

Oh, ya, and I'm playing in a 2k 40k tournament on Saturday. I should be painting, but..

Anyway I got a new video camera. Not a great one, not even "new".  I picked up a RCA Small Wonder from a local pawn shop for $40. It takes really decent video for being only VGA.  It runs off 2 AA batteries (which I have lots of NiMh rechargeable already) and uses a MicroSD card. Check it out:

More to come!

Monday, May 9, 2011

I had a great day..

Saturday May 7th, I got a few hours off. Off life, off reality, off from everything. I didn't intend it to be that way, but it worked out for me.

Real life is sucking big right now, mainly due to cars and money. well cars sucking money. I'm sure everyone knows what I mean.

Saturday my cousin was going into my FLGS to buy and futz with new Tomb Kings stuff. He has a substantial army already but needed new toys. I got to get away from the family and hang out with him. It was awesome.

First, I brought my vampire counts and went through and fixed all the broken models I had and made a few bases of fillers for my skellies and crypt ghouls.

After that I played my cousin's Deathwing in a game vs Blood Angels. It was a fun game, I can really see the appeal of is a LOT of fun to play. This is the list I ran @1750:

HQ: Belial; TH/SS
HQ: Interrogator Chaplain, Terminator armor, combi-melta

Troop: Upgraded Deathwing, Banner w/TH/SS, apothecary w/TH/SS, Cyclone w/TH/SS, 1 guy with LC and another TH/SS guy.
Troop: Deathwing; Cyclone, 3xTH/SS, 1xLC, 1xChainfist/SB
Troop: Deathwing; Cyclone, 3xTH/SS, 2xLC

Fast: Speeder; Typhoon, MM
Fast: Speeder; Typhoon, MM
Fast: Speeder; Typhoon, MM

Heavy: Predator AC/HB
Heavy: Devastators 4xML, TL-Las Razorback.
Heavy: Vindicator

Mission was roll dice and tie with dawn of war. He placed scouts on his objective and I placed the dual-lc unit on my objective in opposite corners. I then dropped the non-command squad next to his objective and turbo-boosted the speeders there as well. The idea was to bait in his LRC full of assault termies, priest and libby to kill off my deathwing sqaud leaving them open to MM the LR and vindicator the squad.

He took the bait, but I made so many saves the combat lasted 3 turns before the last guy died. I did end up killing the land raider though. Then the command squad didn't show up until turn 4, but was able to wipe out his termies. I was about to assault the scouts when the game ended on a roll of 1 at the end of 5. 1 good turn of shooting took out almost everything I had (including a sniper scout improbably exploding a speeder).

In the end I only had 1 immobilized speeder and 5 termies left. My objective was contested and I was out of range of his, giving him the win. It was a great game that went back and fourth from turn to turn with dice luck playing a huge factor!

After the game I sat down and started assembling my second stormraven. My biggest decision is to paint the interior or not. I have not fully glued it together yet for that reason. But it was great sitting there without any kids bugging me to play barbies or mario party 8 and just talking warhammer and sniffing plastic glue..

I would like a 4th 40k army sometime. I am waiting patiently for Tau - which could be even before the end of the year - before I decide. I am considering deathwing and the henchmen-heavy Coteaz hybrid list posted earlier.

Anyway long post with a wall of text. I finished assembling my XV-9 with phased ion guns and will probably be painting that over the next week for the Freebootaz challenge. I love these models, so easy to pose!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


If you didn't know I've been posting my videos on I did it mainly to enter their contest, but it has really been a good thing. I've been getting a lot of views there, to people who have never seen my youtube channel. It's great! I would recommend doing it to all the 'smaller' youtubers out there.

I also noticed one of my vids is on their 'top content' list, my artic ork test model. I'm lovin' it!

I plan on playing Blood Angels this month. I played them on Saturday and really enjoyed it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

297 videos uploaded..

So as I approach 300 videos, I'm trying to figure out something cool to do. I might do a give away, if I can find something to give away lol.. I really, really don't have any ideas.

So tonight is league night, yay! I get to remove myself from reality again for a little while. I find myself needed to escape more and more to fend off depression. Money is super tight and both cars have issues so real life is sucking hard right now.

I printed off my super elite bike list, changing the grots to 10 shoota boys. Not sure what I'll play or play against. I just want to have fun.

There are still so many things I want to do for youtube. seems like I can't ever focus long enough to get any of them done. I did finally force myself to do the rhino interior videos though, so there is hope!

lastly I've been adding videos as content on miniwargaming to enter their 40k contest. So far it's working out great! getting more views all the time. I'll probably add a few videos a day ..maybe even the entire talking about orks series if it continues to go well.