Showing posts with label hobby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hobby. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Beastboss on Calico Squigosaur

 Hey I finished a model! Hey I remembered this blog exists!  There are so many social media outlets it's hard to remember everything lol.

Anyway I tried and failed a grey squig a few months ago and haven't been able to figure out what I wanted to do. Well I finally decided to do the original idea of a calico squig.  Very happy with it. RIP Norma Jean the kitty.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Showcase: Evil Sunz Looted Viper Deffkilla Wartrike

It took some time but finally finished this project.

I had to order the base off eBay because GW does not make the 150mm oval separately.  It's MDF so it ads a lot to the weight. 

Very happy with how it came out.  I did as much as I could to copy the original model including the 3 twin boomsticks, the snagga claw with chain and spools and the rockets as the Jets.

The warboss is based on a Reaper Bones Mountain Troll model and is magnetized so I can put him on a regular base and run it on foot - to use the Redder Armor someday.

I got 3 150mm bases so the other 2 are going to go under the UFO's which will count as Megatrakk scrapjets.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Showcase: Sd. Kfz. 251 inspired Trukk.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Showcase: Evil Sunz Big Mek on Jetbike w/kff

I would call this a side project. Realizing I needed a 2nd HQ choice to field a battalion, I went with the obvious of a Mek on bike w/kff.  But going through my bits I found a big inspiration: Left over engine bits from a Stormhawk.

Didn't take long to build, and not long to paint but I could not be happier with the outcome. It's just about my favorite model other than the Valkyrie battlewagon.

So now I can actually field an Evil Sunz only army!  Sure it does not mean anything yet, but we're getting there!

This is what I have:

Battalion detachment
HQ: Zadsnark
HQ: Big Mek on bike, kff, big choppa, Relic.

Troops: 12 boys, nob w/pk
Troops: 12 boys, nob w/pl
Troops: 12 boys, nob w/BC
Troops: 30 shoota boys, 3 rokkits, nob w/BC

Elite: Mek, Killsaw, grot oiler
Elite: Tankbustas, nob, 2 bomb squigs

Flyer: wazbom blastajet, WMK, kff *unpainted
Flyer: Blitza-bommer

Heavy: 5 Lootas

Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota *unpainted

That currently sits at 1659 pts

I have a used Battlewagon I may re-purpose for Evil Sunz, to hold the lootas.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Showcase: Evil Sunz Trukk and Grot gunner Warlord

I've been making a lot of progress and quickly this week. I wanted to do the Trukk first because it's just that awesome of a model.  didn't actually take all that long.  very rusty exhaust, lots of pigments and Typhus Corrosion, and flames!!

Plus the Grot gunner warlord from Kromlech is done, ready to lead - from the back!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Project Evil Sunz

I've been doing a lot of building this last week on my Evil Sunz Army/detachment. It's a project I want simply because I like how the Evil Sunz paint scheme looks, so I'd like to eventually have a whole army (or at least a battalion) of these guys. Plus with the codex at least at the announced stage, I would like to think different detachments of different clans will be a thing.

So far I have 1 trukk, 2 units of boyz and the blasta bommer.  Oh, and Zadsnark. 

I am adding a unit of Tankbustas (because I need a 3rd anyway), 5 lootas, a mek w/killsaw, 2 more Trukks and a Wazbom Blastajet. For now. I still need more HQ's though.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Showcase: Ravenwing Darkshroud

Nice thing about painting Ravenwing is it's mostly black. Didn't take long to finish up the Darkshroud. I especially like the blue and gold window, really stands out in the overall Ravenwing pallet. I left the relic separate for transport, but I'm worried about how easy the heavy bolter will come off.  We'll see.

It will be on the table this week for sure. I dropped the razorback - which I was already planning on doing - and a regular bike to make room for it in the list. Overall it didn't change much. 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Next project up: Darkshroud

Now that I've finished my bunkers, and am at a very good spot with my Tau, time to do some Dark Angels.

I was able to pick up a Darkshroud after being out of stock for months. I should note it was in stock for exactly 6 days before it's no longer available again.

There are a lot of things I need to decide on how to paint, but I plan on getting this done shortly and give it a try on the table.  Can't wait!!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

More Tau!

Yep I keep painting Tau, this time two Firesight Marksman. 

These are pretty good, being only 25 pts and have a markerlight that hits on 3+. I put him in the Tidewall Drone Port withh 9 firewarriors.  Combined with a nearby drone controller that gives me 4 markerlights that hit on 2+ and one on 3+. Those are usually the first target :)

I also rebased and varnished one of my Broadsides that was on a piece of plasticard. I need another 40mm base for the 3rd marksman and a 60mm for the last Broadside. Don't want to waste any money though to do it lol

This base usies some bits made from my press molds and it came out pretty good!

So now I want to finish the 4 Sniper Drones I have, which will give me 7.  I have two more I need to work on - they were missing bits.

Showcase: Revamped Firewarriors

Back when I bought and painted my Tau in 2009, one thing I didn't know was varnish.  I learned about Dul Cote during my 3rd army, Blood Angels.  So my Tau was unvarnished (I've also since refurbished almost all my Orks, so it's almost all varnished as well).  I also needed a better way to designate my Firewarrior units.

So I made each one unique with shoulderpad trim and varnished them up. I've also varnished every single drone I have, plus the 2 XV8 suits I use in my current list.  I've gone through a whole can so far, and only the Broadsides remain.

Combined with their nice and shiny new Guardian Drones, the core of the army is set to hit the battlefield. I'm actually quite stoked about how these came out.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Drones R Us

Holy crap I finally got something done!  I've spent the last 2 weeks on heavy duty spring cleaning, and that has finally slowed down so I was able to finish my new drones.

bought a bunch of bits off ebay, to build a pulse accelerator, grav inhibitor and 3 guardian drones. Cannibalized many old gun drones but that's fine. 

I had so many proxy drones last time after building a list completely ignoring what models I had and didn't have. Other than a few marker drones which I can proxy with gun drones, I have everything I need now.

Time to finish the blastajet then try to motivate myself to finish the Kommandos.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Showcase: Blood Axe Magnetized, Motorized Gorkanaut complete!

Well it's been a slow month for me on the channel, the blog and actual hobby.

I've been enthralled by my old self, the car guy. The guy that worked on cars throughout high school and beyond right up to the point of getting first into M:TG and then 40k. 

I did finally finish the 'naut today though.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Showcase: Ork Rat Rod Trukk

Finished this up, didn't take long.  Very happy with it!

Not much to say.  Off to the next one!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Ork Rat Rod Trukk

It's been a long time. Seems like I've been painting Dark Angels forever, but in reality it's only been 4 months.  I finished the UFO's and now to the next project. 

I bought this Trukk used back many moons for just $16, and it's been sitting forever. Not only because of the DA but I didn't know what to do.  Well it hit me a couple days ago what to do - Rat Rod!!

Google it if you don't know what that is :)

I started by tearing it apart, luckily it was put together with superglue not plastic glue.  It didn't take long to figure out the suspension.  Mostly it just takes cutting off the leaf springs from the frame and inverting the axles. I also realized the cab is designed to have the driver on either side, so for something different I went right-hand drive.

I really LOVE how it came out, absolute perfect representation of a Rat Rod.  It will painted just like the UFO's, very rusty - true to the namesake.

Off to the paintbooth!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Inner Circle - Dark Angels complete!

All 18 units are now done for my Inner Circle entry, with 2 weeks to finish the display board.  And that is coming along nicely! Shouldn't be a problem.

Next Saturday the store is holding the last event, a game where you bring what you have done. Sure it's only a week before the final contest, but whatever.   There is also a 40k GT at the same time!  But I need the precious, precious points..and can also save the money from the entry fee.  Anyway here is a list of the stuff in game terms:

Combined Arms - Dark Angels
HQ: Librarian, level 2
HQ: Company Master, Power Sword, Combi-Plasma

Troops: 5x Tacticals, melta, combi-melta, drop pod
Troops: 5x Tactical, missile launcher, razorback
Troops: 10x Tactical, grav cannon, grav gun, combi-grav, power sword, Vet Sgt, Rhino

Fast: Assault Squad x6, power fist, vet sgt, 2x flamer.

Elites: Deathwing Terminators, chainfist, assault cannon

Heavy: Devastators: 4x Lascannon

Ravenwing Strike Force
HQ: Samael
HQ: Interrogator Chaplain, bike

Black Knights x5
Black Knights x5
Ravenwing command squad, apothocary
Ravenwing bikes x3, power sword, vet sgt
Ravenwing bikes x3, 3x grav gun

That's 2417pts.  I leave off one of the assault guys for exactly 2400.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Inner Circle - Deathwing Terminators

I hated painting these and now I'm darn happy they are done. Never again.

Next up: Rhino #2, tactical marines.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Inner Circle - Company Master

Chugging along quite nicely now.  Still basically following the GW painting videos, except I hate screamer pink and went Xerxes purple instead.  Added a touch of pink in the final highlight of the cloak.

Now I'm working on the Deathwing. The Tacticals have been airbrushed Caliban green and should go pretty fast once I get started on them, along with a Rhino.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Inner Circle - Dark Angels Librarian

Next model done and (literally) in the bag!  The DV librarian.

Didn't take very long at all either, no more then about 5 hours. Can't complain at all!  Gave him a glowing yellow eye and did some blending on the cloak which I'm pretty darn happy with. 

Plus everything else is primed and ready to go!

Time to break out the airbrush and get base colors on everything, especially the Terminators.  For some reason Ushabti bone sprays way better then it brushes, whatever. Probably do the Ravenwing next.

The contest is actually going off on May 13th, so I plan on stop painting around April 13th and work on the display board. If I get it done I'll pick up on another unit.

So that's it! More painting!!