Showing posts with label gaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gaming. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2017

Warhammer 40k 8th edition Ork commentary: Boyz vs Stormboyz vs Warbikes

If you are going to build an Ork list in the new edition of 40k, you are most likely to form it around a core of one of these 3 units.

How good are these in 8th?

Each unit has it's good and bad points.  I can tell you no matter which way you choose to go, you can't really have enough.  I would consider 90 boyz and/or stormboyz a minimum for any army because of how fragile they are. Bikes though, can be fielded in addition to the others much easier.

Boyz are the basic troop that just has little downside.  The best LD mitigation that isn't strait up fearless, and the option of either shootas or sluggas at no extra cost...which is darn cheap.  They work GREAT with Da Jump to show up anywhere on the table, shoot and charge. If you are going to jump them I would recommend shootas over sluggas.  The versatility to shoot rokkets at one unit, shootas at another (or 2) and then charge yet a different unit gives you a lot of versatility.  With the great 'ere we go (and a command point to re-roll one die instead of both) you've got a GREAT chance at charging after jumping.

If you are going to just move across the board with a warboss for advance+charge and a Waggh! banner nob for 2+ to hit, then sluggas are the way to go.  I would still get a wierdboy for Warpath and maybe even Ghazzy himself.  Getting 6 attacks hitting on 2+ isn't hard to achieve at all.  Adding a KFF mek and moving the whole army under the bubble will give you the survivability you need to get there.

Warbikes were by far the king of the previous codex. They took a huge hit with the increase of cost by 50% and loss of any form of exhaust cloud (they should always counts as being in cover, giving an effective 3+ armor save), and dropped from 15 to 12 per unit but gained a wound each. They are also much faster than even stormboyz with a 14" move and by far the shooty-ist at SIX shots a model - the result of removing twin linked from the game. 

The cost of these guys really hurts in large numbers - a full unit with PK can creep near 350pts.  That does not leave much room for other models if you go bike heavy.  But the same 4+ save as before can help against small arms fire, and buffing them with a painboy on bike and KFF mek on bike will give them even more resiliency to get where they need to be.  Their speed will guarantee they will be a threat that can't be ignored so I would say expect to lose them early as the opponent concentrates fire.  Despite my love for warbikes and the benefits on paper, I can't see them forming the core of any army.

Lastly is Stormboyz.  Sadly I don't have enough models to really playtest them, as 60 should be the minimum I would consider.  They do require Zagstruck to go along with them, as he makes them immune to morale!! And at under 100pts it's an investment that's more than worth it.  They have a lot of downsides IMO, being 50% more expensive than boyz and no harder to kill.  They are fast, with a 12" move and able to advance+charge gives a 12+3d6" threat range (at a price, the potential to lose a lot of the unit) and without any more toughness so you'll lose a lot moving to charge range. But with Zagstruck you won't have to worry about morale and you can keep charging forward so your opponent has to kill them to a man!

The real question is which way to go? I think the ability to show up where and when you want, and then charge, is going to dominate the early meta of 8th. Orks may not have a lot of units that can do this, but the speed of some of the Ork units can make up for it.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Freebootaz (40k Radio forum) Toys for Tots 2013 auctions coming soon!

This project started early in the year, so at the time we picked the newest codex to use for the Toys for Tots auctions...Dark Angels.  It was already in place before Tau or Eldar, so we couldn't go back.

This year we a competition for a 2000pt list, involving all 3 "colors" of the DA codex, so it had to have some regular marines, termies and ravenwing models.  My donation is here.

The primary auction's 2k list is below:

*Tact Squad 1: 10Man/Vet Sarg w/Power Weapon & Meltabombs/ Flamer/ Heavy Bolter
*Drop Pop
*Tact Squad 2: 10Man/ Vet Sarg w/Power Weapon & Meltabombs/ Meltagun/ Multimelta
*Scout Squad: 5Man Camo Cloaks and Sniper Rifles
*Deathwing Terminators: 5Man/ 2x Thunderhammer Stormshields/ Cyclone Missile Launcher
*Dreadnought: Assault Cannon Heavy/ Flamer
* Dread Drop Pod
*Veteran Squad: 7Man Swords instead of Bolters/2x Power Weapon/ Flamer
*Drop Pod (multi color LEDS, weapons magnetized)
Fast Attack
*Dark Talon (multiple LEDS)
*Ravenwing Darkshroud/Vengeance (fully swappable magnetized)
*Ravenwing Attack Squadron: 5 Bikes/ Vet Sarg W/Power Weapon & Meltabombs/ Meltagun/ Meltagun
Heavy Support
*Aegis Defense Line W/Quadgun
*Devestator Squad: 5Man/ 4x Missile Launcher w/Flakk upgrade
Codex Dark Angels Limited edition ( I'll get the C.o.A. # and post it here)

Not the most competitive, but it is playable.

There were also many other models donated, and so there will be additional acutions:

2nd auction
10 man Tac Sqd with Meltagun
Rhino (FW chapter doors and multiple LEDS)
LE DV Chappy Seraphicus

3rd Auction (Hunt for the Fallen!)
RW Nephilim Fighter
RW 6man sqd, Power sword sgt melta bombs, 2 meltaguns
RW Assault bike Multi Melta
RW Landspeeder Typhoon (Magnatized LEDS)

4th auction
5 Tac marines
5 Assault marines

5th Auction (Lord of the Castle Keep)
Ezekiel Master of the Secrets
(UK based Ebay auction, so shipping is not crazy for the UK)

6th Auction
10 man Tac Sqd with Meltagun
Rhino (FW chapter doors and multiple LEDS) 

Just a quick heads up on what is coming down the road.  The auctions are planned to go live in about 2 weeks.

If you're not interested in the auctions, we also have t-shirts available with 100% of proceeds going to Toys for Tots.  Ya, they are a bit expensive but it's for a good cause!

I'll give a Youtube update once the auctions are live.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Building allied detachments.

Ever since 6th hit, I've thought one of the best ideas in there is allies. I *love* allies.  It just adds so much variety to what you see on the table.   This is, to me, a win-win for everyone involved. Gamers get access to more units.  Modelers get more opportunities for painting and conversions. And GW sells more stuff.

Back in January 2012 I started to build a Space Wolf army..razorback spam. Then 6th hit and that changed completely. I just sat on the models for a long time.  I finally finished building and started painting the models, I have a full 1000pts of them.  I plan on running them as allies for my Tau.

I am also thinking about other allies. Mainly, CSM for my Orks.  I have a pretty good idea of the models I want ...flying demon prince with back mace, noise marines and a helldrake.. but the hard part is what I want to do with the modeling.

Specifically, if I should just build a regular CSM force or do something more interesting. Basically I'm thinking of building some Orks as chaos marines. An Ork with CSM shoulder pads, backpack and bolter. All done in Slanneshy pink!  The demon prince? How about a Ghaz model with wings?  Noise marines? Goff rockers, obviously.  Helldrake? Ork riding a dragon.

I also have a couple boxes of eldar models (Farseer, bikes) that I might either trade or use for Tau allies..sigh.

When thinking about an allied force, especially when you have multiple main armies, is which army are you building it for?  The main problem that I'm trying to figure out is basing. All 3 of my main armies are based differently, so trying to use a single allied force for more then one is hard. I would like to use my Blood Angels as allies for my Space Wolves as using my BA as codex marines for the Tau (which I've done). 

So much to choose from, so many options. So many ideas! It kinda makes me in a hobby lock as I can't decide what to do, how to do it and if I do it wrong I'm stuck with models I don't like.

But next up is a commission I need to hit pretty hard (still recovering from OFCC) while I think about it.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Do Tau signal a return to mechanized MSU? (Eldar too, for that matter).

Last few games I've been playing more and more mechanized with my Tau.  It works out pretty well, considering the amount of anti-infantry shooting is out there.  This last week I added in a 3rd HS tank, giving me Longstrike with a railgun, an Ion head and a Skyray.  That's a lot of firepower with a wall of AV13. Add in the Devilfish I run for 20 SMS shots!

Using marker drones instead of pathfinders adds quite a bit of maneuverability and survivability to the marker lights (+1T, +1 armor). I've been moving the commander in and out of the marker units to bolster Crisis suits when needed or markers when needed.

Dropping the gun drones off the piranhas always works out amazingly. Always. A unit that is literally a throw-away unit that can shoot (possibly pin something), contest or score linebreaker is a big thorn in people's sides.

But why does mechanized work?  Well, quite simply: Skimmer + disruption pods (or holofields for the Eldar).  Moving at all, gives you a 4+ cover save all the time.  Need to run for an objective? Flat out gives you a 3+ cover.  Combined with the better-then-marine armors of the Tau and Eldar tanks, you have a lot of survivability.

Also, both tanks can do something. Both Devilfish (with SMS) and Waveserpents actually pack enough firepower to be useful, unlike say a Rhino.  The Devilfish can completely hide and still fire off shots.

Sure, if someone concentrates on the tanks they will die. But with so many other threats, I've not really had too much of a problem with stuff sticking around.

Also, having guys in tanks really helps negate the menace of the Helldrake. 

So a 5th ed playstyle in 6th? Give it a go.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tau first impressions and first list.

Tau is finally here.  After a long, long wait. After virtually disappearing from the battlefield in 5th. After a small resurgence due to the changes in 6th.  After nearly a decade. Tau are back.

There are a lot of things to like in the book, and a lot of things that they changed/nerfed that didn't need to all.

First two things that stick out at me is the tanks no longer have access to multi-trakers, which means no more shooting as fast vehicles.  This makes them much, much more static then they were before and is a huge nerf.  Devilfish, for example, gained 3 extra shots due to the changes in burst cannons and pulse carbines. However it can't use them (with their 18" range) unless it stays still...and it didn't drop in price at all.  This is a serious WTF in my opinion.

The second thing is the changes to the Kroot..who lost an attack, a point of strength but gained AP5 in close combat.  Completely, totally nerfed the unit as a close combat threat.  It was just..silly.

The biggest impression I got is that GW wants the Tau to return to 4th edition static gun line all bunched up together ..hence the supporting fire rule.  While it seems the army has the firepower to pull this really does not.  Most everything in the book is BS3 with no way to change it (even the targeting array is gone).  A one-use warlord trait and a one-per-army wargear item can give you some re-rolls but that hardly fixes anything.

Now what got really good. First is the Smart Missile system. It gained range, does not require LoS and just flat-out ignores cover.  Free upgrade on the heavy support tanks.   The decoy launcher is a must-take on the pretty decent Razorshark fighter.  For the price of a grot you get an 4+ invul against shots with the interceptor rule.  The fighter sports 6 S7 shots and has a darn good chance to survive against the quad-gun.

The sniper drone teams also got a nice bump. Some people are complaining about losing the rail rifle, but to be sure they more then made up for it. Cheaper, and they get to fire the longer range sniper shot at BS5 as long as one of the marker dudes is alive.  BS5 means there is a great chance as some rends. That reminds me, the rail rifle is also very, very nice. Not only going to Ap1 but goes from heavy to rapid fire..*amazing*.  Wish more models could take it.

Speaking of markerlights, they are plentiful, easy to use and breaks many rules including being able to bump BS on overwatch and snap shots.  Pluck down a couple maker shots from the Skyray (which includes skyfire) on a flyer then open up on it at BS3. Or pull 2 marker shots to ignore cover completely.  There is quite a bit of ap3 and ap2 blasts in the book, and even more ap4/5 blasts which means the squishy troops behind an aegis are in trouble.

The riptide is going to be a definite wait-and-see unit. It sounds good on paper but gets spendy fast (not hard to push 300pts) and despite containing the most experienced, best warriors the Tau can field..are still WS2 and BS3..sigh.  But it does pack a lot of firepower and is very, very mobile.

Piranhas got much better. Nearly half the price and gained 3 shots.  Add in disruption pod for a +1 cover save (I should note the disruption pod does NOT give stealth..but a +1 cover save. Which means it would stack with stealth!!) so they always get a 4+ just for moving and you have a cheap, fast unit pumping out a lot of S5 firepower.

That is what has me puzzled.  The Tau have 2 kinds of units..ones that move fast and ones that sit back and don't.  I'm not sure how to mix those two things up in a single list, or if you even want to try.

This is the first list I want to try, pure Tau for now.

HQ (50): Ethereal
-A buff monster with a re-roll bubble for almost nothing.

HQ (84): Cadre Fireblade, 2x Marker Drone
-A great, cheap HQ choice buffs the unit hes in and has BS5 with split fire for the quad gun

Troop (142): 12 Firewarriors, Shas'ui, 2x Marker Drone
-Sits behind the Aegis with the Fireblade

Troop (244): 10 Firewarriors, Shas'ui, Marker Light, 2x Marker Drone
-Devilfish with SMS, Disruption Pod
-This is my advancing troop choice, moves up and sets up a position to put out some marker lights mid-game

Troop (140): 20 Kroot, sniper shots
-Cheap unit that can infiltrate. Only 24" range so not sure how good they will be.

Elite (196): 3x XV8 Crisis Suits
Shas'vre with Puretide Engram Chip, Drone controller, Burst cannon, 2x marker drones
2x Shas'ui with TL Burst cannon, plasma rifle
-Mobile unit capable of dealing with different kinds of units.

Fast (168): 3x Piranha, disruption pods, blacksun filters
-Fast, 4+ cover, 24 S5 shots..

Fast (168): Razorshark fighter, disruption pod, decoy launcher, missile pod
-lots of firepower

Fast (133): 10x Pathfinders, Shas'ui, 1x marker drone
-Markerlights!  Sure to be the first unit targeted.

Heavy (194): 2x XV88 Broadside, 2x Velocity Tracker

Heavy (131): Skyray, SMS, blacksun filter, disruption pod

Fortification (100): Aegis, Quad-gun.

1750 exactly.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Resurgence of the Big Shoota

In 5th edition I always equipped my boyz units with rokkits. Statistically, 3 rokkits and 3 big shootas have the same lethality to MEQ, 1 causality.  However rokkits are actually pretty good against AV11, and there was so much of that in 5th that it was simply silly to take big shootas.

Now that the vehicles have calmed down somewhat in 6th, the big shoota is on it's way back. When I was running 1750pts I knocked one unit from rokkits to big shootas just because of points. The more I played them the more and more the big shootas were awesome and the rokkits did nothing because they were out of range. I've done notable damage to infantry with them.  So much so that I've now equipped both units of shoota boys with big shootas. 


A lot of that has to do with the nob bikers, and the boys just hung back on objectives most of the game. Even without the nob bikers being able to have that total range of 42" with S5 shots against mostly infantry isn't bad. Heck they can even glance most flyers.

I was thinking about trying out a large unit of deffkoptas as an annoying shooty unit. Having T5 and jink might add to their survivability enough where they can come on and shoot and then survive.  Maybe. I was going to run them with rokkits but now I think all big shootas and a buzzsaw is the way to go, keeping them cheaper.  The changes to morale is a big part of that as well.

If I take 4 koptas with big shootas and 1 buzzsaw, they will always try to rally on their LD7. If I take 5 then with just 1 left he would need snake eyes.  Not great odds, but a whole lot better then 5th!

Returning to a tabletop near you?
The one thing I've noted in my games without the nob bikers is that getting to objectives is hard. My perception is that it's harder then it was in 5th, but that may be the nature of 6th ed armies where there is just more anti-infantry shooting.  Koptas add that outflank harassing ability lost with Snikrot but have more survivability then kommandos.  The other option is a wierdboy trying for 'ere we go!

4 of them with a buzzsaw is 165pts, 30 more then a dakkajet.  Unlike a dakkajet though, they are a denial unit and a scoring unit in The Scouring and have a shot at taking out annoying things like Long Fangs.

Buggies however, still suck.  Don't take them, ever.

If I ever break out the kan wall again, big shootas are definitely an option there as well.  Actually, so is the KMB..

Friday, August 10, 2012

My lootas are officially aces!

Last night I downed by 5th flyer of 6th edition (not counting the ones that have gone into hover mode).

I don't see what's the big deal.   They seem to die pretty easily. In fact only one flyer has survived against me, and that's because my opponent made all his flickerfield saves..then it zoomed off the board.

Of course pumping out between 30 and 90 S7 shots may have something to do with that..hehe.

Lootas currently are the best anti-aircraft unit in the game, by a wide margin.

My turn, bitches!

I was planning on taking Space Wolves to the Bay Area Open but that plan is currently on hold both for financial and rules reasons.  As soon as they figure out what they are going to do for BAO 2013, and of course the next 'dex or two plus upcoming BRB faq's, I can figure out what I want to do.

That won't leave me a lot of time to buy, assemble and paint anything. At this point I'm leaning towards playing Orks. I think could improve the paint level and basing on a 2k army in just a couple months.  I would probably add in a Farsear ally depending on the points level.

There is also word that Faeit (who is local to me in the Portland area) is planning on a real GT in the area, something that has not happened in a while to be around the same time as the BAO.  Don't know if the wife would let me out that much :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Nerfhammer #2 - Now this is just getting rediculous..

Now guess what? Pics are out of the psychic abilites. And guess what? there is one that removes fucking fearless!

Not only is "Terrify" a level 1 spell, removes fearless but also causes fear tests and an immediate pinning test!

Oh, ya, we get an amazing 6+ save against. it. Big. Fucking. Deal. Did I mention Primaris Psychers can get it? So now you can combine Terrify with...weaken resolve!  yep nothing like having a 30 boy unit pinned for the whole game or worse yet, lose just 8 models and run off the table!

Before you say "ya but.." don't forget ally rules..there will be lots of psychers everywhere.

What are Orks claim to fame? Furious charge and fearless. Now both are seriously weakened, and combined with the lack of inherent psychic defense means Orks will have to ally with a psycher to even have a chance.

Oh, ya, and weirdboys don't get any of the new power on top of all of it...

More bad news.. Furious Charge hit with the nerfhammer!

Ugh more bad news for Orks.  Furious Charge is getting a serious, serious nerf. Just read for yourself:

So not only do we lose the initiative (ya getting pounded by guardsmen again) but if you make a multi-charge (that's what "disordered charge" means)  you don't even get the S boost.  That means if Orks multi-charge they can't hurt vehicles at all!  WTF GW really?

The more I see the more I think CC is getting seriously nerfed in general. Like shooting wasn't already dominant, I was hoping for the exact opposite..CC needs a boost not a nerf!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Get ready for the PAIN!!! - Lootas in 6th

One word will soon strike fear in all players of 40k: Lootas.

Dakka dakka dakka dakka!!

Lootas are soon to be the premier shooting unit in the game, by a large margin. They were already amazing in the 5th ed rhino-heavy meta.  But now with the new rules in 6th they will be astonishingly deadly.

Going from BS2 to BS1 isn't a big deal.  Lootas already have the volume of fire that makes up for that.  But with so many advantages gained by dropping to BS1 I can't wait for 6th now.

Snapfire: Shoot any assaulting unit at BS1, while giving up nothing.  I dare genestealers or Wolf Scouts to come at me now.  Muhahaha.
Move and shoot: (unconfirmed) Heavy weapons can move and shoot at BS1.  Wow. Moving lootas.  one game, long ago, I got to play with relentless lootas. It wasn't pretty. I could even keep them with the KFF..
Flyers: Zooming flyers hit on 6's.  With AV10. Whoopie! Dead flyers!
Glancing: 3 glancing hits? Not a problem!

The downside is that with cover mostly moving to a 5+ I'll either have to bring my own walls or use the 2nd FoC to bring additional characters with bosspoles. A mek with bosspole is 40pts, a small investment to keep the lootas on the table.

The only hard part for me is if it's worth dropping Snikrot for 15 more lootas...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6th edition allies, for sure. but how?

So pics from the White Dwarf release confirms allies. GK+IG vs Deamons+CSM.  Wow.  GK terminators backed up with manticores and hydras?  Plague Marines backed up with Fateweaver?

This got me really thinking about what, if any, allies we will get with the Orks. I've seen a matrix but I keep reading it was for a tournament instead of 6th. I hope there are some allies in there, I would hate to be screwed on this awesome part of 6th as well.

I have Tau and Blood Angels. I keep thinking Tau + Orks would be amazing..  Would I take Orks in a Tau army or Tau in an Ork army?

HQ: Big Mek, KFF (85)
Troop: 30 Shootas (rokkits, nob) (250)
Troop: 30 Shootas (rokkits, nob) (250)

Elite: 15 Lootas (225)
Elite: 15 Lootas (225)

HQ: Shas'o, HW Drone controller, Target lock, TL Missile pods, HW blacksun
2x Shield drones (106)

Troop: 10 Firewarriors (120)

Heavy: 3x Broadsides (A.S.S., Team Leader, HW drone, HW target lock, HW blacksun, 2x shield drones) (283)
Heavy: 3x Broadsides (A.S.S., Team Leader, HW drone, HW target lock, HW blacksun, 2x shield drones) (283)
Heavy: 2x Broadsides (A.S.S, team leader, HW target lock, HW blacksun)  (173)

2000pts exactly.

Won't know what is actually possible for another week or so, but the possibilities...*swoon*

Monday, June 11, 2012

There is no such thing as a break - Terminator Captain WiP

Spent most of today doing  housework, then went out to my WHFB game night and got my weekly ass beating this time at the hands of Dwarfs.  How long does an Arachnarok last to a cannon? 2 turns.  Always.  I did a lot of damage to each unit (only a few guys left in each), but just could not finish anything off.  I only completely killed 1 thing the entire game..when my chariot killed off the cannon. His volley gun blew itself up. Those were the *only* victory points I had. What did I have left?  The Rock lobber, a doom diver and 4 black orcs.  460pts out of 2800. 

In both of the last 2 games, my HW/Shield boys have turned out to be fairly resilient.  That stubborn with the general/bsb nearby is actually pretty good.  I need to figure out how to properly support this unit either with the chariots, NG spearmen or the spider.  I think if I can figure out how to play around that strength I'll do a lot better.

At least I'll have one of the weakest lists at OFCC so I probably won't be playing any VC, Ogres or skaven at all.

So anyway after coming home and getting some sleep I decided to work on the Captain a bit.  Finished the head, and I'm very happy with it.  It really won't take long to finish.

Friday, June 8, 2012

6th edition officially offical

Well that's it then.  6th edition to be announced on Saturday, June 23rd.  I'll be at fantasy OFCC however, so I won't get to see anything about it until late that day..

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

4th Orks vs 3rd Orks?

After watching a recent BoLS batrep on the current vs last version of the Tyrannid codex, I thought it might be fun to try that with Orks. So I got out my 3rd edition codex.

Then I read it.

I don't think the previous edition codex would stand a chance against the current one.  There are somethings in there that might give the new dex a run, but overall everything is more expensive.  There are a few stand out points that I do miss, however.

-Tankbustas, burnas, lootas as troops
-The Trukk was actually cheaper ?!?!
-Warbikes were fearless (yes I've harped on this time and time again)
-Burnas available in multiple squads
-Old burnas  (2d6 armor pen)
-Skarboys!  Oh man do I miss skarboys!
-Iron Gobs/Big Horns.  Would love LD8/10 back.
-Wider range of HQ choices.
-Being able to loot actual imperial vehicles.
-Nazdreg! (BS4 4-shot plasma!)
-Auto hitting zzap guns.

And then of course, the bad things:
-Shootas are rapid fire
-Boys much more expensive
-Trukk boys separate entry and fast attack
-Stormboys more expensive
-Limited number of burnas in burna unit, limited rokkits in tankbustas
-Old burnas (not a power weapon)
-KFF effects models, not units.

The real difference though is what was added more then what was change.  The obvious thing is Lootas.  Lootas really make the dex so much better overall it isn't funny.  Having trukk boys as troops, the burna/tankbusta units so much better, etc. 

So if I find someone to play against I might still scrap together a list.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Orcs & Goblins: power vacuum

Are Orcs & Goblns a good army? I don't think so.  There are very few units that actually have any killing ability, while most of the rank and file core units lack any real power.

I played yet another game against Ogres tonight.  I lost by nearly 1000 victory points...though I did do a lot better then I thought I would.  I was actually able to munch through a couple units, and shot the mournfang off the table.

Still, it was a constant uphill battle. At least my warmachines didn't blow themselves up until turn 6..

The one unit that you can upgrade to big'uns with additional hand weapons is the one unit that can actually do anything. Of course they still die in droves so getting more is always required.  I'm pretty happy with that unit, with the Manglers and with the doom divers.  They usually perform pretty well.  I have a nasty habit of rolling a 1 on my magic mushroom..on the first spell he casts. 

My biggest disappointment though is the Arachnarok. It sucks. It has no survivability and no hitting power.  It's a waste of 290pts. 

What does it come down too? Savage Orcs.  Savage Orc big'uns with extra hand weapon. I can't see any other infantry unit doing anything.  With their ward save, it won't stop much but it's better then stopping nothing.  Black Orcs provide a bit of flexibility in contrast.

I havn't tried bolt throwers, but for a measly 35pts each how can you go wrong?  If I do anything else with this army, getting 3 of these will be a priority.

So drop the arachnarok, drop the boys, drop the orc chariots.  Get a hero warboss on boar, 3 spearchukas, block of 6 trolls and the rest on savage orcs.  I am pretty happy with the characters I have, but upping the Orc shaman to level 3 or 4 as well might not be a bad idea.

1 Orc Warboss: Shield, Armor of Fortune, Gold Sigil Sword (168)
1 Night Goblin Great Shaman: Level 4, Talisman of Preservation, dispel scroll (245)
1 Orc Great Shaman (165)

1 Black Orc Big Boss: BSB, Gambler's Armor, Sword of Battle, Ironcurse Icon (160)
1 Orc Big Boss: Boar, spear, shield, Talisman of Endurance (105)

39 Savage Orcs, Big'uns, 2 hand weapons, standard, musician (449)
50 Night goblins: spears, musician, standard, 2x Fanatic, netters (265)
26 night goblins: bows, musician, fanatic (113)

Special 30 Black Orcs, full command, shields (425)
Spear Chukka (35)
Spear Chukka (35)
Spear Chukka (35)
6 Trolls (210)

1 Mangler Squig (65)
1 Mangler Squig (65)
1 Doom Diver (80)
1 Doom Diver (80)
1 Goblin Rock Lobber (85)

Maybe dropping some Goblins for a magic banner on the black orcs might not be a bad idea. Not sure which one though.

Overall this gives me a lot more punch, a lot more survivability and even more shooting without the huge point sink liability of the Arachnarok.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

6th edition and the future..

It's been a busy busy month for me on the blog, on  youtube and the hobby in general.  I've painted no less then 61 models in the calendar month.  Sure 20 of them are missing the last few layers but it still beats my previous record in June '11 when I did 53 models.

I put up my first Talking about Orks in a long time.  Check it out, going over Snikrot + Ghazzy combo. Love this little trick, and I really hope it survives the transition.

With just a month to go before 6th, the rumors so far are not looking good for the Orks. With CCW getting an AP, with wounds having to go to the closest models first, among others.  

With the light at the end of the tunnel of my painting marathon of Orcs and Goblins starting to get brighter, I have a lot to plan out.

I plan on making a couple more tactica videos about my current army as a 5th swan song. 

As soon as 6th hits, I'll be combing through the rules and will relaunch Talking About Orks for the new edition.

Thanks for tuning in, reading my ramblings and not insulting my paint jobs..

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Raindog's Rampage (1500pt WHFB tournament) Part 4

As the day winds down, I am again on the Table of Shame, this time against Sean's Lizardmen

Game 4 mission: Road Warriors.  There is a road down the middle of the table. You can a bonus point for each unit on the road at the end of the game.  You can an additional bonus point for each unit in the opponent's deployment zone (so a unit in the opponent's zone and on the road is worth 2).

Lord: Slann Mage Priest (lore of light); Focus of Mystery, Focused Rumination, Cupped hands of cheat.

Core: Saurus Warriors x20; full command, spears
Core: Saurus Warriors x20; full command, spears

Special: Temple Guard x20; full command, Sun Standard of Chutee
Special: Chamelion Skinks x5
Special: Chamelion Skinks x5

Rare: Salamander Hunting Pack

 This was the only game everything more or less worked out.  The mangler took out the Salamander and a few temple guard.  The skinks tried to shoot down my spiders and chariots running to the opposite side of the table but failed, both units got shot down by warmachines and spider riders.  The big'uns did their job against the saurus warriors, not only going first but all the attacks and S5 just chew through the heavy armor.  At the end of the game I get off a small bad moon, and just happen to roll initiative and the template hit 15 out of 16 remaining warriors, wiping out all of them.  He called it in turn 5 with only a handful of guard and the mage left.  Counted up 6 bonus points and a solid 16-3 victory.

Took me out of last place! lol ended up just 4pts above last place (in battle points) and 10/13 overall. However I did win best large model (warmachine/chariot/whatever) so I was quite happy about that.

It was a great day and I really hope I took all my lumps in stride.  After all, if I was really worried about winning I wouldn't play Orcs and Goblins!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Raindog's Rampage (1500pt WHFB tournament) Part 2

Part 2 of my report on the tournament I played in. 

Basic rules of the tournament:
10pts for win
7pts for tie (<300 victory pt margin)
5pts for minor loss (300-700 victory pt margin)
3pts for major loss (>700 victory pt margin)

Each mission  has bonus points, with 10 being maximum each round.

Bonus points for fully painted, favorite painting awards, for food donation and some others.

Game 1 vs Moses' Dwarfs

Hero: Runesmith, shield, rune of stone, speed, furnace, dispell x2
Hero: Thane, BSB, MR of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, MR of challenge, rune of furnace, rune of fire

Core: Warriors x25; Great weapons, std, musician
Core: Longbeards x24; Shields, Standard, Musician, MR of Grungni

Special: Hammerers x20; Standard, Musician, Rune of determination
Special: Grudge Thrower; Engineer, Rune of Penetrating, Rune of reloading
Special: Cannon; Engineer, Rune of forging, Rune of burning.

Mission: Five Coins
Place 5 coins evenly spaced in the long middle of the table. A unit must charge a coin to take it. Each coin is worth 2 bonus battle points

The dice did not like me much this game.  The Dwarfs went first.  The cannon took out the mangler first turn.  I advanced, with the chariots trained on the warmachines.  He failed to kill either chariot, one made it into the cannon shutting it down, but it took me 3 full turns to kill the crew! even with impact hits!  The other chariot got the charge on the stone thrower, but wrecked itself on terrain on the way.  My warmachines either failed to do anything or misfired.  I was actually in a decent position but the rune of challenge came up and I decided to charge in. He had both units on either side ready to flank in.  I completely, utterly whiffed. I didn't run away but I did get double-flanked and completely wiped After that there wasn't much left.  Major loss.  I got 1 coin, opponent got 2 so I lost 18-5 battle points.

So what happened? Well my dice were well below average. I really wish I had rolled bad moon for this game.  The stupid thing Dwarfs have that give a 6" bubble of a 5+ ward against shooting was really annoying, especially with how many 5+ rolls he made the few times my shooting actually did damage.  The chariot being locked in combat forever, the other blowing up in terrain, my warmachines of complete fail. Insanely frustrating game, but Moses got my vote for favorite opponent that day. He played a good game, had a solid game plan and was nice while stomping my face in the mud :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Breaking out the Blood Angels..

Monday I remembered to grab an army for when I swung by Red Castle Games after work.  I broke out my Blood Angels, which I haven't played since early December and was actually able to get a game in.

Played against Tyrannids.  It was Dawn of War with 3 objectives. I played my OFCC list.

Roughly he had:
Hive tyrant w/sword/whips
2 Tyrant guard w/whips
Prime with sword/whips

8 ymgarls
8 ymgarls
Doom in a pod

10 gaunts
10 gaunts

3x Trygons

What struck me though is most of his models had no upgrades. Tervigons were stock - to glands, sacs, or even catalyst...all of which would have helped tremendously.

The objectives were placed roughly in the middle length-wise, with one on my left and the other 2 on the right.  For deployment he put a tervigon on the middle-ish objective, and I put a Razorback with libby behind a rock on my left.  He failed to steal initiative.

BA turn 1:
I rolled on everything 6" to shoot the tervigon, except the devastators which come on next to the razor on the left. I failed all my searchlight rolls, but was able to knock off a couple wounds.  DC blast up the middle.
Nid's turn 1:
Everything walked on.  1 Trygon was right in the middle, then another trygon to it's right, then the deathstar, then the 3rd trygon.  The tervigon and gaunts moved to the objective on my left.  Tervigon that was already deployed spawned 10, but rolled doubles, then moved back. Everything ran as he had no shooting.

Based on the way he came on, I came up with a plan.

BA turn 2:
Dante fails to come on even with the re-roll.  I shuffle all the tanks around, including going flat-out with the libby to the parking lot in order to shoot the tervigon.  Shooting, the devastators take 3 wounds off the middle trygon, and I am able to get the tervigon down to just 1 wound.  DC move to the objective on the left.
Nid turn 2:
One unit of ymgarls comes on and wrecks one razorback (passed pinning) and shakes another while removing the plasmaguns.  Everything else moved up and ran.  2nd tervigon spawns 12.

So here is the plan: kill the tervigon and gaunts on my right, then slaughter everything on the left leaving the one objective open and my opponent with no troops...

BA turn 3:
Dante comes in, drops on his board edge on my left.  Tanks shuffle around again.  Shooting the tervigon on the right dies, and ends up killing all remaining gaunts as a result. One Baal kills the ymgarls outright.  The 3 meltas on the jump pack unit do 2 wounds to the tervigon.  The wounded trygon that was in the middle dies. The DC jump out and assault a unit of spawned gaunts, wiping them out.
Nid turn 3:
Everything moves up again. The Doom drops in, but scatters away enough that nothing is within 6" so it runs.  The ymgarls move on, killing the 5 guys from the wrecked razorback. They also assault the libby's razor, but it had moved 12" and they completely failed to damage it.  The remaining tervigon spawns 12 more without doubles.  It then assaults the death company, I get 2 wounds in and he kills 2.  The 32 gaunts shoot and assault the jump pack guys, I lose 2 to shooting but none in assault, resulting in most of them dead from damage + no retreat.  Dante's unit hits and runs out of combat.

BA turn 4:
Dante splits off to assist the DC. The other jump pack guys get ready to assault either the gaunts or Doom.  My tanks then start moving to my left, getting away from all the nasties.  Doom goes off, killing a DC, but the other 2 units make the LD tests!  Shooting wipes out the 2nd unit of ymgarls, does a couple wounds to the 2nd trygon (which is the only other thing that is a threat to the left objective). I shoot a bunch of S8 stuff at doom, but he passes all the saves (which is a theme for the rest of the game).  Assault phase I move in against the doom, but can't kill it ..he makes a ton of saves and nothing on my side dies. Dante and DC brings the tervigon down to 1 wound, and stay locked in combat.
Nid turn 4:
Stuff moves up and runs. The trygon blows up a Baal Pred.  The trygon spawns 11 more gaunts and he uses them to block the objective.  The doom kills an assault marine and the last 2 DC, but does nothing in the assault phase again. Dante finishes off the last wound on the trygon and does some damage to the gaunt units but they all stick around due to synapse from Doom.  Again, a bunch of saves on the Doom keeps the combat going. 

BA turn 5:
I continue to shuffle the tanks to the left.  The libby and assault marines move out and kill off the gaunt unit on the objective.  Dante finishes off the biggest of the other gaunt units, and shooting kills another. That leaves 2 gaunts remaining that have gone to ground.  The doom kills 2 assault marines, and in the assault phase is able to kill the priest (thanks to being S9 so no FNP). Missiles kill the pod for lack of anything else to do.
Nid turn 5:
The wounded trygon moves to my left, hoping to get over there in time to do some damage.  The doom's combat continues, I pass my LD and I'm able to do just 1 wound to it.

We roll for a turn 6.

BA turn 6:
All my tanks move up and block the objective from the trygon.  Dante has just 1 wound remaining, all from the doom's power and failed invul saves so he kinda stays away. The libby's unit gets back in the razor and sit on the objective.  The assault continues with the doom.
Nid turn 6:
The trygon moves up and blows up the 2nd Baal.  The doom kills another marine but finally falls to the power fist!

Roll for turn 7 comes up a 3, giving a 1-0 objective win to the Blood Angels!

I knew I cold not handle his list in combat, too many MC's, he had just too much and I don't have the bodies to deal with the number of wounds I'd suffer.  Being able to isolate the much weaker troops units and concentrate on them for shooting and assault was the key here.  I played the mission instead of trying to go toe-to-toe with an obviously superior combat force, and the result was a solid victory.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Farsight bomb returns!

For some reason the store owner wanted to bump the league to 2500pts.  Just for fun, I decided to bring out my Tau army again.  Farsight, of course.

I finally got to play against the new necrons and oh boy what a great game.

here is the list I took:

HQ: Farsight HQ: Bodyguard (all have shield generators, HW target lock, HW drone controller. Suits with 2 systems have HW multi-trackers)
1: TL Plasma, 2x Shield Drone

2: TL Missile Pod, 2x gun drone

3: Plasma, Airburst, 2x gun drone

4: Plasma, fusion, 2x gun drone

5: Plasma, missile pod, 2x shield drone

6: TL Fusion, 2x shield drone

HQ:Shas'el: TL Missile pod, shield generator, HW target lock, HW drone controller, 2x shield drones

Troop: 6 Firewarriors, Shas'ui

Troop: 8 Firewarriors, Shas'ui

-Devilfish, Multi-tracker, disruption pod, flechette dischargers

Troop: 6 Firewarriors, Shas'ui
-Devilfish, Multi-tracker, disruption pod, flechette dischargers

Fast: 8 Pathfinders, Shas'ui

-Devilfish, Multi-tracker, Disruption pod, flechette dischargers

Fast: 2x Piranha,  2x Fusion, disruption pods

Elite: 2x XV8
1: Team leader, HW drone controller, HW mult-tracker, HW target lock, TL plasma, missile pod, 2x gun drone
2: TL Missile, flamer

Elite: 2x XV8
1. Team leader, TL Fusion, flamer
2. Target lock, TL fusion

Heavy: Hammerhead, railgun, multi-tracker, disruption pod, flechette discharger, SMS

Heavy: 3xXV88
3x A.S.S Team leader with HW drone controller, HW target lock, 2x shield drone, HW Blacksun

The Shas'el goes with the broadsides. I found this little gem on the 11th company, and love it. Not only does it give the unit 2 more shield drones, but also LD9. Plus he can still fire at a 3rd target.

Still not convinced on the piranha. I don't like them, and I remember why. They don't do anything. If I want sacrificial fusion guns I'll use XV8's. But so many points sucked into something that is only there for tricks?Does not seem worth it to me. I'd rather have a 2nd unit of pathfinders.

But here is where I went wrong. I was sure the wraiths had warschythes! I don't know where I got that idea, but that was my downfall. I poured all my fire into them, not wanting them to touch Farsight. But once I realized that there where no such item, it was too late. I can attest how they would have done when they were fighting my broadsides. I should have ran the wraiths over with the bodyguard and poured all my fire into the scarabs. I would not have killed them, but I would have greatly reduced the number (since every shot would have been a whole base) and that would have made the difference. Live and learn!

Not sure if I will stick with Tau for the whole month. I'd like to play my other armies at 2500 as well.