Showing posts with label army list. Show all posts
Showing posts with label army list. Show all posts

Thursday, March 25, 2021

First new list of 9th, Evil Sunz

Ya I've been way out of the loop for months. Not being able to play at all due to the pandemic has killed my enthusiasm for the hobby.  Plus building and painting an entire 3k army lol.

So now the local club is opening again, slowly with limited capacity, so I might be able to get a game in now and then.  So it's time to list it up!

My first list is all about models I want to play over anything competitive.   I was thinking about squeezing the the Warkopter but that might be a bit too much.  Maybe next time. Plus it's 40pts more than a Trukk.

The main thing to play is the warbikes. Yes I know they are overpriced and underpowered, but they look fantastic! lol.

2000pts Orks

Battalion Detachment
Specialist detachment: Kult of Speed
Kulture: Evil Sunz

HQ: Deffkilla Wartrike, Snazzgrim's snazztrike
HQ: Warboss on warbike, Da Big Boss, Da Killa Klaw
HQ: Wierdboy, Da Jump

Troops: 12 boys, pk nob, trukk
Troops: 11 boys, pk nob, trukk
Troops: 30 boys, pk nob, 3x rokket, shootas

Fast: 12 warbikers, pk nob

Elite: 10 tankbustas, 2 bomb squigs, trukk

Heavy: 5 lootas + mek

Flyer: Dakkajet, extra supashootas

Patrol Detachment
kulture: Grot mob

HQ: Big Mek w/KFF

Troops: 10 grots

Heavy: 3 Mek guns

That is using 5 CP from the start, and I could easily use more (Klever Spanner, squig hide tires). 

I originally had 6 smasha gunz, but decided on the dakkajet instead..for fun! 

Anyway I'll be playing on the first at the lastest and hopefully sooner.  cya!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Blue Ork Goff list

Planning on making an army to sell out of my new models.

I don't want to invest much more so I'm limited to what I have.

The main thing that is missing is Mek Gunz.  If I can get some printed I'll add them in later.

Right now I plan on added a Deffkilla Wartrike and then I have to convert up the HQ's out of Black Reach Nobz.

Anyway, the list:

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Goff
Specialist Detachment: Kult of Speed
HQ: Deffkilla Wartrike, Skargrim's SnazztrikeHQ: Wierdboy
HQ: Big Mek w/KFF

Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 30 Sluggas, 3x tankbustas Bombz, Nob w/PK

Fast: 12 Warbikes

Heavy: 9 Lootas, 1 is Spanner

Battalion Detachment:
Kulture: Goff
Specialst Detachment: Dread Waggh!
HQ: Big Mek w/ SAG, Grot oiler, Da Souped-Up ShokkaHQ: Big Mek w/KFF
HQ: Warboss, PK, Attack Squig, Kustom Shoota

Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Sluggas, 3x tankbustas Bombz, Nob w/PK
Troops: 30 Sluggas, 3x tankbustas Bombz, Nob w/PK

 Elite: 10 Tankbustas, Nob, 2 bomb squigs

Heavy: Gunwagon, Killkannon, Grot Riggers.

Dedicated: Trukk
Dedicated: Trukk

2000pts 108PL 13CP (-3)

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Final switch to Bad Moonz

After many games of Freebooterz under my belt I decided to try out essentially the same list as bad moonz.

The results are pretty telling. While the Freebooterz are actually better in Most - but not all - circumstances the Bad Moonz are just more consistent and reliable.

Where the Freebooterz trail starts to fail is against knight armies where you probably won't get a trigger and armies with big negative modifiers to hit. 

Also moving to Bad Moonz allows me to run lootas and use showin' off.  So that's 2 units that can fire twice in a turn with that, and one with Kustom Ammo.

Having lootas shoot twice, even 15 of them, under More Dakka is just unbelievable!

Combined with the Souped Up Shokka or the Gorkanaut fire twice it can be just overwhelming for an opponent.

I do run a unit of boys, but never, ever jump first turn!  The point of them is to attack late game after my opponent has been softened up by mass shooting.  They are great at grabbing objectives, shoot and assault soft objective holding units, and just provide a whole new layer of threat out of no where.

The only unit I am questioning is the 2nd SAG.  But there are not that many HQ choices to replace him with for the points.  Maybe a 2nd wierdboy?   We'll see what happens when Saga of the Beast hits.

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Bad Moonz
HQ: Big Mek w/KFF, KMB, Big Choppa***
HQ: Wierdboy

Troops: 11 Grots
Troops: 11 Grots
Troops: 22 boyz, shootas, nob w/pk, 2x tankbusta bomb

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Bad Moonz
Specialist Detachment: Dread Mob (-1CP)
HQ: Big Mek w/SAG, grot oiler, Da Souped Up Shokka
HQ: Big Mek w/SAG, grot oiler

Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots

Fast: 2x Megatrakk Scrapjets

Heavy: Gorkanaut
Heavy: 4x Mek Gunz, 4x Smasha Gunz
Heavy: 15x Lootas

Air Wing Detachment
Kulture: Bad Moonz
Dakkajet 6x supashootas
Dakkajet 6x supashootas
Wazbomb Blastajet, KFF, Wazbomb mega kannons, smasha gun

1997pts, 110PL, 14(-1) CP

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Trying out some freebooterz lootas

I am going to try replacing a couple buggies with lootas in my freebootaz list.  I decided on the Shokkumps had to go.  This might move around after some playing.

Sure, Lootas are usually bad moons to use Showin' Off, but I want to see what happens when lootas hit on 4+

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Freebooterz
HQ: Big Mek w/KFF, KMB, Big Choppa***
HQ: Wierdboy

Troops: 11 Grots
Troops: 11 Grots
Troops: 19 boyz, shootas, nob w/pk, tankbusta bomb

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: FreebooterzSpecialist Detachment: Dread Mob (-1CP)
HQ: Big Mek w/SAG, grot oiler, Da Souped Up Shokka
HQ: Big Mek w/SAG, grot oiler

Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots

Fast: 2x Megatrakk Scrapjets

Heavy: Gorkanaut
Heavy: 4x Mek Gunz, 2x Traktor kannon 2x Smasha Gunz

Air Wing Detachment
Kulture: Freebooterz
Dakkajet 6x supashootas
Dakkajet 6x supashootas
Wazbomb Blastajet, KFF, Wazbomb mega kannons, smasha gun

2000pts, 109PL, 13CP

***Yes I know there is technically no dataslate for this unit, so I'm using index Big Mek

I would also like to try this exact list as Bad Moonz, just to see what happens.

Friday, August 30, 2019

One more revision to the Freebooterz list

As I was going back over my previous battles, I realized the one unit of boys really don't do a whole lot.  They purpose of them is to sit back and wait until the shooting has softened everything up.  But just one unit unsupported really doesn't do much.

But one thing I do need is more command points. That means another Battalion and 3 more troops choices.

That's 30 grots at 90pts.  Carefully going over my list the only things I could drop would be either half the boys or the traktor cannons.  I could possibly drop the biker boss but I do need to maintain 4 HQ choices.  Maybe someday I'll buy and 2nd SAG ~~

But enough blabber, here is the new list. 

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Freebooterz
HQ: Big Mek on Bike, KFF, KMB, Big Choppa
HQ: Warboss on bike, PK, Da Killa KlawTroops: 15 Boys, Tankbusta bomb, Nob w/BC
Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: FreebooterzSpecialist Detachment: Dread Mob (-1CP)
HQ: Big Mek w/SAG, Da Souped Up Shokka (-1CP)

Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots

Fast: 2x Shokkjump Dragstas
Fast: 2x Megatrakk Scrapjets

Heavy: Gorkanaut
Heavy: 4x Mek Gunz, 2x Traktor kannon 2x Smasha Gunz

Air Wing Detachment
Kulture: Freebooterz
Dakkajet 6x supashootas
Dakkajet 6x supashootas
Wazbomb Blastajet, KFF, Wazbomb mega kannons, smasha gun

1998 pts, 104 PL, 14(-2) CP

I still have the small unit of boys to jump and assault, but now I also have more units of grots for both grot shield and jumping on to objectives (which was VERY effective late game).

But mainly losing a bit of CC power for a 50% jump in CP is a pretty good trade off IMO.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Re-evaluating Freebooterz Klan Kulture - The list

This is the complete list to accompany the video

Battalion Detachment +5CP (Orks)
Big Mek on Warbike (Index): Kustom Force Field [20pts], Kustom Mega-blasta

Warboss on Warbike (index): Attack Squig, Da Killa Klaw, Power Klaw, Shoota (Index)


29 Boyz: 2x Tankbusta Bombs, Nob w/BC

10x Gretchin
10x Gretchin

Air Wing Detachment +1CP (Orks)
Dakkajet: 6x Supa Shoota
Dakkajet: 6x Supa Shoota

Wazbom Blastajet: 2x Wazbom Mega-Kannons, Kustom Force Field, Smasha Gun, Supa Shoota

Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Orks)
Vigilus Detachment: Dread Waaagh -1CP
Big Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun: Big Killa Boss, Grot Oiler, Shokk Attack Gun, Warlord

Gorkanaut: 2x Rokkit Launcha, Skorcha, 2x Twin Big Shoota
Gorkanaut: 2x Rokkit Launcha, Skorcha, 2x Twin Big Shoota

Mek Gunz
3x Traktor Kannon
3x Smasha Gun

98 PL, 10CP, 2000pts

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Updating Kult of Speed list

After a couple games with the Kult of Speed I decided I need a bit more firepower.  Also, I want to play with my UFO's.  :)

The two Megatrakk Scrapjets costs 220 points, so I needed to squeeze down a bit.

First thing I did was drop 1 of my units of boys down to 10 models for mob up and jumping first turn.  That saved a bit of points, but no where near enough. Reluctantly I dropped the rokkits in the shoota boyz units to free up the rest of the space.  Oh, and had to drop 1 bike.  :(

So here is the revised list:

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Evil Sunz
Kult of Speed Specialist Detachment (-1 CP)

HQ: DeffKilla Wartrike, Skargrim's Snazztrike, warlord: Quick, Ladz!
HQ: Big Mek on bike, KFF, (Index)

Troops: 30 shootas, Nob w/PK
Troops: 30 shootas,  Nob w/PK
Troops: 10 shootas, Nob w/PK

Elite: Painboy on Bike

Fast: 12 Warbikes, Nob w/PK
Fast: 11 Warbikes, Nob w/PK

Heavy: 3 smasha gunz

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Evil Sunz

HQ: Wierdboy
HQ: Zhadsnark

Troops: 10 grots
Troops: 10 grots
Troops: 10 grots

Fast: 2 Megatrakk Scrapjets

1998pts, 104PL

I plan on putting the scrapjets in Teleyporta since they are the only vehicles it does not make sense to leave them vulnerable to shooting.

We'll see how it goes!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Bringing Kult of Speed to the table.

Viligus Defiant brought us specialist detachments including 4 for the Orks.  

The most exiting of these is the Kult of speed, which allows you to make Speed Freeks fearless if they advanced, and move twice their movement value.

The basic idea is to take a unit of Evil Sunz warbikes, move them 32" the firs turn, shoot without penalty, and then charge thanks to a Deffkilla Wartrike (which also picks up a 5++ relic).

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Evil Sunz
Kult of Speed Specialist Detachment (-1 CP)

HQ: DeffKilla Wartrike, Skargrim's Snazztrike, warlord: Quick, Ladz!
HQ: Big Mek on bike, KFF, big choppa (Index)

Troops: 30 shootas, 3 rokkets, Nob w/BC
Troops: 30 shootas, 3 rokkets, Nob w/BC
Troops: 30 Sluggas, Nob w/PK

Elite: Painboy on Bike

Fast: 12 Warbikes, Nob w/PK
Fast: 12 Warbikes, Nob w/PK

Heavy: 3 smasha gunz

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Evil Sunz

HQ: Wierdboy
HQ: Zhadsnark

Troops: 11 grots
Troops: 10 grots
Troops: 10 grots

2000pts, 101 PL, 13(-1) command points

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Stepping up to a more competitive list: Bad Moons/Goffs

After playing the first month or so of the Codex with what I happened to have in my transport - the Evil Sunz - I've decided it's time to take my list up a notch.
I wanted to try out both Skarboyz and Bad Moons Lootas.  Plus the 4++ bad moons warlord trait.

After that the list just wrote itself.

Battalion Detachment.
Kulture: Bad Moons

HQ: Warboss in MegaArmor (Index), PK, Kustom Shoota
 - Da Killa Klaw
 - Warlord: 4++

HQ: Big Mek (index), KFF, Big Choppa

Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots
Troops: 10 Grots

Heavy: 10 Lootas
Heavy: 15 Lootas

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Goff

HQ: Ghazzy
HQ: Wierdboy
HQ: Big Mek (Index): KFF, Big Choppa

Troops: 30 Slugga boyz, nob w/PK
Troops: 30 Slugga boyz, nob w/PK
Troops: 30 Slugga boyz, nob w/PK

Elite: Nob w/waggh! Banner
Elite: Painboy, Killsaw

Heavy: 3 Mek Gunz, Smasha Gunz

2000pts, 112PL, 13CP

Seems pretty strait forward: upgrade boyz to skarboyz, run them up with the characters while pounding threats from afar with More Dakka/Showoffs-powered Loota fire hiding behind their grot shields.  The wierdboy will always take Warpath and sometimes I'll upgrade to a warphead for Fists of Gork.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Next list evolution: more Evil Sunz.

So instead of throwing everything out and starting with something completely new, I've decided to make a few changes at a time for a while. There is no end to ideas though, there is so much stuff in the codex that no one list or strategy stands out. I will be playing new and different lists for years!  Heck even the same list with different kultures will pay differently!

Anyway for now I'm keeping the Dakkjets.  And now I've decided to add Tracktor cannons, see if they are as broken as everyone claims.

Still sticking with Evil Sunz, I can't get over how fast they are.  Adding some grots for Grot Shield, keeping the one big unit alive just that much longer.

HQ: Zhadsnark
HQ: Big Mek on bike, KFF, big choppa
HQ: Wierdboy

Troops: 30 shoota boys, 3x rokkit, nob w/BC
Troops: 12 slugga boyz, nob w/PK
Troops: 12 slugga boyz, nob w/PK
Troops: 17 Grots

Elites: 10 tankbustas, nob, 2 bomb squigs
Elites: 10 tankbustas, nob, 2 bomb squigs

Heavy: 3 Traktor Kannons

Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota

Air wing detachment
Kulture: Bad Moonz
Dakkajet, 6x supashootas
Dakkajet, 6x supashootas
Dakkajet, 6x supashootas

Between Loot it! and grot shield my CP won't last but we'll see how it plays out.

Monday, November 12, 2018

First list with new Ork codex!

I started by modifying the Evil Sunz list I had been playing mainly because it looks cool and the models were already in my case to take to game night ;)

First broken thing I had to try was Bad Moons Dakkajets.  And not just 1, or 2, but 3 in a flyer detachment. 

And I added a 2nd unit of Tankbustas.   I don't think I need the battlewagon but at the reduced cost why not?

Battalion Detachment
Kulture: Evil Sunz

HQ: Zhadsnark
HQ: Big Mek on bike, KFF, big choppa

Troops: 30 shoota boys, 3x rokkit, nob w/BC
Troops: 12 slugga boys, nob w/BC
Troops: 12 slugga boyz, nob w/PK
Troops: 12 slugga boyz, nob w/PK

Elites: 10 tankbustas, nob, 2 bomb squigs
Elites: 10 tankbustas, nob, 2 bomb squigs

Heavy: battlewagon, deffrolla, 4x big shoota

Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota

Air wing detachment
Kulture: Bad Moonz
Dakkajet, 6x supashootas
Dakkajet, 6x supashootas
Dakkajet, 6x supashootas

Friday, August 24, 2018

Evil Sunz Surprise!

I've been going over what units to get to finish a 2000pt Evil Sunz list. Well, while I was moving stuff around last night I found I had painted 3 of my Kans as evil sunz, putting me over the top! Yay!

So here is the complete 2000pt (ish) Evil Sunz list:

Battalion detachment
HQ: Zadsnark
HQ: Big Mek on bike, kff, big choppa, Relic.

Troops: 12 boys, nob w/pk
Troops: 12 boys, nob w/pl
Troops: 12 boys, nob w/BC
Troops: 30 shoota boys, 3 rokkits, nob w/BC

Elite: Mek, Killsaw, grot oiler
Elite: Tankbustas, nob, 2 bomb squigs

Flyer: wazbom blastajet, WMK, kff
Flyer: Blitza-bommer

Heavy: 5 Lootas
Heavy: Battlewagon, defrolla, big shoota
Heavy: 3 Kans, rokkets

Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota *unpainted

2034pts, 127PL

So now that I've crossed the 2k barrier it motivates me to finish the last truck.

Monday, July 30, 2018

First Kill Team

So after pouring over the Kill Team rules, I think I've come up with a good starting point.

Boss Nob - Big Choppa, Kombi-Skorcha (Demolitions specialist)
Kommando Nob, PK (combat specialist)
Kommando x3
Loota x2
Loota Spanner, KMB (Comms specialist)
Grot x4 (one of which is leader)

-Having a nob as leader sounds like a bad idea, because you will want them up front and in the enemy's face. Not worth losing the extra command point
-Grots are there for grot shield.
-Comms spec is going to be very important to orks, with the tactic to get the -1 to nerve tests, and giving a loota +1 to hit
-Kombi-skorcha with demo will almost always wound on 2+
-I don't see needing heavy spec anywhere.

I have yet to play but hopefully soon!

Monday, July 9, 2018

Showcase: Evil Sunz Big Mek on Jetbike w/kff

I would call this a side project. Realizing I needed a 2nd HQ choice to field a battalion, I went with the obvious of a Mek on bike w/kff.  But going through my bits I found a big inspiration: Left over engine bits from a Stormhawk.

Didn't take long to build, and not long to paint but I could not be happier with the outcome. It's just about my favorite model other than the Valkyrie battlewagon.

So now I can actually field an Evil Sunz only army!  Sure it does not mean anything yet, but we're getting there!

This is what I have:

Battalion detachment
HQ: Zadsnark
HQ: Big Mek on bike, kff, big choppa, Relic.

Troops: 12 boys, nob w/pk
Troops: 12 boys, nob w/pl
Troops: 12 boys, nob w/BC
Troops: 30 shoota boys, 3 rokkits, nob w/BC

Elite: Mek, Killsaw, grot oiler
Elite: Tankbustas, nob, 2 bomb squigs

Flyer: wazbom blastajet, WMK, kff *unpainted
Flyer: Blitza-bommer

Heavy: 5 Lootas

Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota
Dedicated: Trukk, big shoota *unpainted

That currently sits at 1659 pts

I have a used Battlewagon I may re-purpose for Evil Sunz, to hold the lootas.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Rerolls and 4++ for everyone!

This is going to be my final DA list for a while, until I get the Hellblasters and Apothecary done. When I do, I'll have to completely start from scratch.

Battalion Detachment
HQ: Azrael
HQ: Primaris Lieutenant, power sword
HQ: Sammael on Sableclaw

Troop: 5x Tacticals, Missile Launcher
Troop: 5x Tacticals, plasma, combi-plasma
Troop: 5x Intercessors

Heavy: 5x Devastators, 3x Lascannon
Heavy: 5x Devastators, 3x Lascannon

Outrider Detachment
HQ: Talonmaster, Havenfall blade

Fast: 5x Black Knights
Fast: 5x Black Knights
Fast: 4x Ravenwing Bikes, 2x plasma, chainswords
Fast: Ravenwing Darkshroud

Elite: Ravenwing Apothecary

1998pts, 109 PL, 10 Command points

Changing Sammy from Corvex to Sableclaw give me a serious increase in firepower but I can no longer heal him with the Apothecary. 

I really like this list a lot. It may not always win but my gosh it has some serious firepower. Plus Sammy and the Talonmaster both hit pretty hard in close combat in clean up action.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Next Tau list: trying out 2 Septs.

Time for the next iteration of my Tau.  I picked up a couple ideas from watching other people play and decided to try them out myself.

The key is the Sa'Cea sept, where each unit can re-roll a single failed to-hit each turn.  I first saw this with railheads - with a single shot each that's a pretty good deal.  I am going to try it out with Sniper drones and Firesight Marksman. Add in a drone controller now the snipers are hitting on 3+ with a re-roll.  Same with the marksman - only one shot each with the markerlight. 

Of course I'm keeping the Broadsides as Bork'An.

Here is the final list:

1994 pts, 106PL, 9 command points

Battalion Detachment, Bork'An Sept.
HQ: XV8 Commander, XV8-02, Shield gen, missile pod, drone controller, 2x Marker drone
HQ: Cadre Fireblade

Troops: 8 Firewarriors, markerlight
Troops: 8 Firewarriors, markerlight
Troops: 8 Firewarriors, markerlight, guardian drone

Fast: 5 pathfinders, pulse accel drone, grav inhibitor drone

Elite: XV104 Riptide, Burst cannon, sms, target lock, ATS

Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, ats, 2 shield 2 marker
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, ats, 2 shield 2 marker

Vanguard Detachment, Sa'Cea Sept
HQ: XV8 Commander, XV8-02, 3x fusion blaster, 2x shield drone

Elite: Firesight Marksman
Elite: Firesight Marksman
Elite: Firesight Marksman
Elite: XV95 Ghostkeel, fusion blasters, fusion collider, drone controller, shield gen

Heavy: 3 Sniper drones
Heavy: 3 Sniper drones
Heavy: 3 Sniper drones

Let's see how that goes.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

One last tweak to the Bork'An list

Last week I came back from a seized initiative against another 3-0 Tau player to go undefeated and secure first place in the month's league play!

After seeing what he was doing I decided to make a few tweaks on my list, mainly giving my drop commander more firepower.  I ended up dropping a Stealth suit to make room.

2000 pts, 106 PL

Battalion Detachment:
HQ: Cadre Fireblade
HQ: Commander (warlord), XV8-02, Shield Generator, missile pod, drone controller, 2x marker drone, puretide

Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight

Fast: 4 Marker drone
Fast: 5 Pathfinders, grav-inhibitor drone, pulse accelerator drone

Vanguard detachment:
HQ: Commander, plasma rifle (replaced by Plasma accelerator), 2x fusion blaster, XV8-02, 2x shield drone

Elite: Firesight Marksman
Elite: XV9 Hazzard, burst cannons, ATS, 2x shield drone
Elite: XV25 stealth x3, marker drone, 1x fusion, 2x Velocity tracker, 1x drone controller
Elite: XV104 Riptide, Heavy burst cannon, SMS, advanced targeting system, target lock

Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker

Fortification network:
Tidewall Droneport, 4x Marker drone

I realized the plasma on the drop commander allowed me to stay far back, but didn't do any damage. So I went with the more traditional fusion blasters, along with the relic plasma.    Same with the plasma on warlord buff commander. I decided to try out a missile pod for a bit of range. 

I had 9pts left over, so added a couple systems to the stealth suits - a fusion with a velocity tracker should be fun.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Updated Bork'An Sept list

I made some changes to my Tau list, dropping the Ghostkeels.  They were a lot of points for not a lot of damage.  Especially now where there is no first turn deep strikes in my face they are not as needed.

The key to the whole thing is Broadsides with missile pods.  They are just incredible, the amount of damage output is insane - with 16 shots EACH.  With the extra 6" of range from the Sept ability, they are almost unstoppable.   Equip with an ATS and the missiles are now -2 ap, with the S7 and d3 damage. 

Smart missiles are great as well getting that -1ap, I almost always end up shooting the two types at different targets. 

I then surround them with a ton of drones to keep them alive and so far it's worked very well. 

1999 pts, 105 PL

Battalion Detachment:
HQ: Cadre Fireblade
HQ: Commander, 2x plasma, Puretide, EWO, Drone controller, 2x marker drone

Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight

Fast: 4 Marker drone
Fast: 5 Pathfinders, grav-inhibitor drone, pulse accelerator drone

Vanguard detachment:
HQ: Commander, 3x plasma rifle (one replaced by Plasma accelerator), XV8-02, 2x shield drone

Elite: Firesight Marksman
Elite: XV9 Hazzard, burst cannons, ATS, 2x shield drone
Elite: XV25 stealth x4, marker drone, 1x fusion, 4x EWO
Elite: XV104 Riptide, Heavy burst cannon, SMS, advanced targeting system, target lock

Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker

Fortification network:
Tidewall Droneport, 4x Marker drone

I'm not sure yet about the stealth suits, but time will tell.  The main purpose of them is gone with big faq update, but not sure what I can replace them with.  I always manta strike the markers to come in turn one, to keep them alive.  the others on the tidewall keeps them safe if no one shoots at it, and the other targets are much more of a threat (broadsides, riptide).

The changes to the battalion helped a lot in the last game, allowing me to double nova and heal the Riptide.

The XV9 dropping in does a lot of damage with it's 16 shots at an extra -1ap. Give it just 1 markertlight hit and it's in good shape.  I think I need to adjust the weapons on the drop commander, not sure yet. He needs to do more than 1 damage per shot.

I've been having a lot of fun playing this list.  It's really a point the broadsides at something and delete it.  The 2 drop suits provide more than enough distraction though, as does the Riptide. Maybe someday someone will learn and focus down the broadsides, or at least try (go go savior protocols!).

Monday, March 19, 2018

First Tau codex list - Bork'an sept.

Picked up my Codex today and pretty much liking what I see.

I think building around a Sept is the way to go, so that's what I did.  Picking Bork'An for my first attempt and putting as many heavy and rapid fire guns in as I could.  Also I love my Ghostkeels so those are going to benefit from the extra range!

Is the Riptide back??

1998 pts, 107 PL

Battalion Detachment:
HQ: Cadre Fireblade, 2x shield done
HQ: Commander, 2x plasma, EWO, Drone controller, 2x marker drone

Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone

Fast: 4 Marker drone
Fast: 4 Marker done
Fast: 5 Pathfinders, grav-inhibitor drone

Vanguard detachment:
HQ: Commander, 3x plasma rifle (one replaced by Plasma accelerator), XV8-02, 2x shield drone

Elite: XV95 Ghostkeel, cyclic ion raker, burst cannons, shield generator, target lock, drones
Elite: XV95 Ghostkeel, cyclic ion raker, burst cannons, shield generator, target lock, drones
Elite: XV104 Riptide, Heavy burst cannon, SMS, advanced targeting system, target lock

Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker

23 total markerlights!!

Seems like a pretty obvious fire base of broadsides wrapped by firewarriors.  The buff commander is back, kinda, using command and control node stratagem when needed and the drone controller means the 14 marker drones have a better chance to hit.  The 2nd commander will manta strike to go for the kill on something important...but the extra range means he might be able to stay back a bit.  Plenty of shield drones as well to keep the broadside alive, and finally the grav drone to try and keep stuff back a bit! 

And then the ghostkeels infiltrating and being a nuisance of themselves. the extra range on the raker sound like a good way to keep them alive - with a 4++ and -2 to hit.

oh, if you're wondering why the firewarriors are 9 per unit, it's because of secondary points in ITC format tournaments.

Friday, January 26, 2018

My first Dark Angels list

Since the Dark Angels codex was released I've been working on what I had.  I had 20 infantry built from before 8th when I was making a Lion's Blade.  10 tacticals, 5 assault and 5 devs with a grav cannon.

Well I changed things around, making the devs 2x lascannon instead and the Assault marines became plasma vets.

I also ended up with a couple of the easy to build intercessors, and after a DA upgrade and carving off the shoulder pads, they were built.

Lastly I got a land speeder and combined with bits from the Ravenwing Command box ended up with a talonmaster.

So now I have enough models to field a list I want to try. I do plan on adding a Darkshroud as soon as I can afford it, as well as maybe some Hellblasters.

Battalion Detachment
HQ: Azrael
HQ: Primaris Lieutenant, power sword
HQ: Sammael on Corvex

Troop: 5x Tacticals, Missile Launcher
Troop: 5x Tacticals, plasma, combi-plasma, Razorback
Troop: 5x Intercessors

Heavy: 5x Devastators, 3x Lascannon
Heavy: 5x Devastators, 3x Lascannon

Outrider Detachment
HQ: Talonmaster, Havenfall blade

Fast: 5x Black Knights
Fast: 5x Black Knights
Fast: 6x Ravenwing Bikes, 2x plasma, chainswords

Elite: Ravenwing Apothecary

1997pts, 107PL, 8 Command points

So it's pretty simple. Azrael and the Lt sits back with the devs and missile launcher, giving everyone a 4++ and re-rolls, while the ravenwing exploit speed of the raven and weapons from the dark age to kill just about anything.

I haven't won yet, but I've had a lot of fun with extreme amount of plasma damage.  I just have to be careful about where the black knights are so they aren't charged too easily.