Showing posts with label apocalypse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apocalypse. Show all posts

Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Inner Circle and Apoc at GW store.

I decided to give a go at The Inner Circle competition GW is doing.

Last Saturday I spent the day at the store playing in the first event, an apoc game.  Well it wasn't really Apoc, but really just a large game of 40k.  I took my Orks, in the Decurion with a Stompa.  I was allied with AdMech, against losts of (mostly 30k) Space Wolves.  I added mine up to 3500pts, but points weren't really used, so, ya.

Luckily we got first turn and I ran everything right up

Lots of dead Trukks.

So after much death, it came down to Ghazzy vs Leman Russ himself.  It was basically a slap fight with 2++ saves all around.  until...

Fucking D weapons!

Anyway I will be doing Dark Angels for the Inner Circle, and I have quite a bit of painting to do in the next 3 months to get up to 18 units. If I don't, well, I'll lose points!

What I have done:
2 units of Black Knights
1 unit of Ravenwing Command squad
Chaplain on bike
1 unit of Devastators
1 unit of Assault Marines
1 unit of Ravenwing Bikes
1 Rhino.

That's 9.

In progress: 1 (or 2) units of Tactical Marines

On sprue:
Tactical Squad
Drop Pod
and the full DV set: Company Captain, Libby, Tactical squad, termies, bikes.

That adds up to 18.

Plus a display board. 

Looks like the first half of this year is all Dark Angels. 

I also sold my Medusa Strike Force on ebay.  Time to pack the BA away for a long time...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Stompa done!

Post of pics! Questions, please ask!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Upcoming Apoc Game!

July 23rd will be my first Apoc game. Taking Orks of course, using as many toys as I can.  I was limited to 5k, and had to back off and redo my list when I realized I was over 6k..this is what I'm bringing:

HQ: Ghazzy
HQ: Mek, KFF, Cybork, burna, bosspole
HQ: Warboss, bike, pk, squig, cybork,

Troops: 4 meganobz, Battlewagon w/Deffrolla, armor, riggers, big shoota, cannon
Troops: Da Green Tide
114 models including 9 rokkits, 4x Nob w/PK
Warboss w/PK, cybork, squig, 'eavy armor, kombi-skorcha
Troops: 25 'ard boys, nob w/pk
Troops: 8 nob bikers, wound allocated

Dread Mob:
Stompa w/force field
2x Dred: 2x Skorcha, armor
3x 3x Kans, 2 with rokkits, 1 with grotzookas

15 Lootas
15 Lootas
15 kommandos with 2xburna and snikrot
8 burnas



Saturday, May 8, 2010

A gift..

Kanvass1 Unboxing

New video up, unboxing the incredible KillKrusha made by Kanvass1. He sent it to me because he doesn't play and does not have time right now to paint it. The attention to detail is amazing, everything is so well thought out.