Time for the next iteration of my Tau. I picked up a couple ideas from watching other people play and decided to try them out myself.
The key is the Sa'Cea sept, where each unit can re-roll a single failed to-hit each turn. I first saw this with railheads - with a single shot each that's a pretty good deal. I am going to try it out with Sniper drones and Firesight Marksman. Add in a drone controller now the snipers are hitting on 3+ with a re-roll. Same with the marksman - only one shot each with the markerlight.
Of course I'm keeping the Broadsides as Bork'An.
Here is the final list:
1994 pts, 106PL, 9 command points
Battalion Detachment, Bork'An Sept.
HQ: XV8 Commander, XV8-02, Shield gen, missile pod, drone controller, 2x Marker drone
HQ: Cadre Fireblade
Troops: 8 Firewarriors, markerlight
Troops: 8 Firewarriors, markerlight
Troops: 8 Firewarriors, markerlight, guardian drone
Fast: 5 pathfinders, pulse accel drone, grav inhibitor drone
Elite: XV104 Riptide, Burst cannon, sms, target lock, ATS
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, ats, 2 shield 2 marker
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, ats, 2 shield 2 marker
Vanguard Detachment, Sa'Cea Sept
HQ: XV8 Commander, XV8-02, 3x fusion blaster, 2x shield drone
Elite: Firesight Marksman
Elite: Firesight Marksman
Elite: Firesight Marksman
Elite: XV95 Ghostkeel, fusion blasters, fusion collider, drone controller, shield gen
Heavy: 3 Sniper drones
Heavy: 3 Sniper drones
Heavy: 3 Sniper drones
Let's see how that goes.
A blog dedicated to my Warhammer 40k Ork army, as well as my other endevours: Dark Angels, Tau, and Orcs & Goblins. Modeling, converting, gaming, tactics and more!
Showing posts with label Tau. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tau. Show all posts
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Showcase: XV-95 Ghostkeel
It's finally done. After a bunch of hemming and hawing over what colors go where, I finished it up over the weekend. Of course having all the weapons magnetized adds time to complete the work, but it's worth it.
As my supply of fenris grey dwindles, the less I'm inclined to paint the Tau. I do plan on at least the 3rd marksman and last 2 sniper drones I have. The Stormsurge, someday soon-ish, but the other 2 ghostkeels might end up on ebay.
As my supply of fenris grey dwindles, the less I'm inclined to paint the Tau. I do plan on at least the 3rd marksman and last 2 sniper drones I have. The Stormsurge, someday soon-ish, but the other 2 ghostkeels might end up on ebay.
Saturday, April 28, 2018
One last tweak to the Bork'An list
After seeing what he was doing I decided to make a few tweaks on my list, mainly giving my drop commander more firepower. I ended up dropping a Stealth suit to make room.
2000 pts, 106 PL
Battalion Detachment:
HQ: Cadre Fireblade
HQ: Commander (warlord), XV8-02, Shield Generator, missile pod, drone controller, 2x marker drone, puretide
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight
Fast: 4 Marker drone
Fast: 5 Pathfinders, grav-inhibitor drone, pulse accelerator drone
Vanguard detachment:
HQ: Commander, plasma rifle (replaced by Plasma accelerator), 2x fusion blaster, XV8-02, 2x shield drone
Elite: Firesight Marksman
Elite: XV9 Hazzard, burst cannons, ATS, 2x shield drone
Elite: XV25 stealth x3, marker drone, 1x fusion, 2x Velocity tracker, 1x drone controller
Elite: XV104 Riptide, Heavy burst cannon, SMS, advanced targeting system, target lock
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker
Fortification network:
Tidewall Droneport, 4x Marker drone
I realized the plasma on the drop commander allowed me to stay far back, but didn't do any damage. So I went with the more traditional fusion blasters, along with the relic plasma. Same with the plasma on warlord buff commander. I decided to try out a missile pod for a bit of range.
I had 9pts left over, so added a couple systems to the stealth suits - a fusion with a velocity tracker should be fun.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Updated Bork'An Sept list
I made some changes to my Tau list, dropping the Ghostkeels. They were a
lot of points for not a lot of damage. Especially now where there is
no first turn deep strikes in my face they are not as needed.
The key to the whole thing is Broadsides with missile pods. They are just incredible, the amount of damage output is insane - with 16 shots EACH. With the extra 6" of range from the Sept ability, they are almost unstoppable. Equip with an ATS and the missiles are now -2 ap, with the S7 and d3 damage.
Smart missiles are great as well getting that -1ap, I almost always end up shooting the two types at different targets.
I then surround them with a ton of drones to keep them alive and so far it's worked very well.
1999 pts, 105 PL
Battalion Detachment:
HQ: Cadre Fireblade
HQ: Commander, 2x plasma, Puretide, EWO, Drone controller, 2x marker drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight
Fast: 4 Marker drone
Fast: 5 Pathfinders, grav-inhibitor drone, pulse accelerator drone
Vanguard detachment:
HQ: Commander, 3x plasma rifle (one replaced by Plasma accelerator), XV8-02, 2x shield drone
Elite: Firesight Marksman
Elite: XV9 Hazzard, burst cannons, ATS, 2x shield drone
Elite: XV25 stealth x4, marker drone, 1x fusion, 4x EWO
Elite: XV104 Riptide, Heavy burst cannon, SMS, advanced targeting system, target lock
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker
Fortification network:
Tidewall Droneport, 4x Marker drone
I'm not sure yet about the stealth suits, but time will tell. The main purpose of them is gone with big faq update, but not sure what I can replace them with. I always manta strike the markers to come in turn one, to keep them alive. the others on the tidewall keeps them safe if no one shoots at it, and the other targets are much more of a threat (broadsides, riptide).
The changes to the battalion helped a lot in the last game, allowing me to double nova and heal the Riptide.
The XV9 dropping in does a lot of damage with it's 16 shots at an extra -1ap. Give it just 1 markertlight hit and it's in good shape. I think I need to adjust the weapons on the drop commander, not sure yet. He needs to do more than 1 damage per shot.
I've been having a lot of fun playing this list. It's really a point the broadsides at something and delete it. The 2 drop suits provide more than enough distraction though, as does the Riptide. Maybe someday someone will learn and focus down the broadsides, or at least try (go go savior protocols!).
Saturday, April 21, 2018
More Tau!
Yep I keep painting Tau, this time two Firesight Marksman.
These are pretty good, being only 25 pts and have a markerlight that hits on 3+. I put him in the Tidewall Drone Port withh 9 firewarriors. Combined with a nearby drone controller that gives me 4 markerlights that hit on 2+ and one on 3+. Those are usually the first target :)
I also rebased and varnished one of my Broadsides that was on a piece of plasticard. I need another 40mm base for the 3rd marksman and a 60mm for the last Broadside. Don't want to waste any money though to do it lol
This base usies some bits made from my press molds and it came out pretty good!
So now I want to finish the 4 Sniper Drones I have, which will give me 7. I have two more I need to work on - they were missing bits.
These are pretty good, being only 25 pts and have a markerlight that hits on 3+. I put him in the Tidewall Drone Port withh 9 firewarriors. Combined with a nearby drone controller that gives me 4 markerlights that hit on 2+ and one on 3+. Those are usually the first target :)
I also rebased and varnished one of my Broadsides that was on a piece of plasticard. I need another 40mm base for the 3rd marksman and a 60mm for the last Broadside. Don't want to waste any money though to do it lol
This base usies some bits made from my press molds and it came out pretty good!
So now I want to finish the 4 Sniper Drones I have, which will give me 7. I have two more I need to work on - they were missing bits.
Showcase: Revamped Firewarriors
Back when I bought and painted my Tau in 2009, one thing I didn't know was varnish. I learned about Dul Cote during my 3rd army, Blood Angels. So my Tau was unvarnished (I've also since refurbished almost all my Orks, so it's almost all varnished as well). I also needed a better way to designate my Firewarrior units.
So I made each one unique with shoulderpad trim and varnished them up. I've also varnished every single drone I have, plus the 2 XV8 suits I use in my current list. I've gone through a whole can so far, and only the Broadsides remain.
Combined with their nice and shiny new Guardian Drones, the core of the army is set to hit the battlefield. I'm actually quite stoked about how these came out.
So I made each one unique with shoulderpad trim and varnished them up. I've also varnished every single drone I have, plus the 2 XV8 suits I use in my current list. I've gone through a whole can so far, and only the Broadsides remain.
Combined with their nice and shiny new Guardian Drones, the core of the army is set to hit the battlefield. I'm actually quite stoked about how these came out.
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Showcase: Tidewall Droneport
I watched another guy at my FLGS play 2 of these the other night, and I decided to give it a go. Besides it looks fun to paint - and it was. Plus it includes drones which I was going to buy anyway.
It is a bit expensive for what you get, even for GW models.
It will reduce my number of drops. So nixed one unit of tactical drones and a ghostkeel. Added in this (with it's own marker drones) and an XV9! A bit more mobility I think. More things in manta strike. I might even do the same with the 2nd ghostkeel and add in my firesight marksman - which I'm painting right now. yes, instead of Kommandos.
It looks awesome. Love the model. Makes me want to get more tidewall bits, but they can add up fast at the register. Also at 70pts a pop, not sure how worth it is.
So I am working on my sniper drones and marksman, and yes the kommandos as well. Slowly. I really need to work on bases both for the kommandos and the bomber.
It is a bit expensive for what you get, even for GW models.
It will reduce my number of drops. So nixed one unit of tactical drones and a ghostkeel. Added in this (with it's own marker drones) and an XV9! A bit more mobility I think. More things in manta strike. I might even do the same with the 2nd ghostkeel and add in my firesight marksman - which I'm painting right now. yes, instead of Kommandos.
It looks awesome. Love the model. Makes me want to get more tidewall bits, but they can add up fast at the register. Also at 70pts a pop, not sure how worth it is.
So I am working on my sniper drones and marksman, and yes the kommandos as well. Slowly. I really need to work on bases both for the kommandos and the bomber.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Drones R Us
Holy crap I finally got something done! I've spent the last 2 weeks on heavy duty spring cleaning, and that has finally slowed down so I was able to finish my new drones.
bought a bunch of bits off ebay, to build a pulse accelerator, grav inhibitor and 3 guardian drones. Cannibalized many old gun drones but that's fine.
I had so many proxy drones last time after building a list completely ignoring what models I had and didn't have. Other than a few marker drones which I can proxy with gun drones, I have everything I need now.
Time to finish the blastajet then try to motivate myself to finish the Kommandos.
bought a bunch of bits off ebay, to build a pulse accelerator, grav inhibitor and 3 guardian drones. Cannibalized many old gun drones but that's fine.
I had so many proxy drones last time after building a list completely ignoring what models I had and didn't have. Other than a few marker drones which I can proxy with gun drones, I have everything I need now.
Time to finish the blastajet then try to motivate myself to finish the Kommandos.
Monday, March 19, 2018
First Tau codex list - Bork'an sept.
Picked up my Codex today and pretty much liking what I see.
I think building around a Sept is the way to go, so that's what I did. Picking Bork'An for my first attempt and putting as many heavy and rapid fire guns in as I could. Also I love my Ghostkeels so those are going to benefit from the extra range!
1998 pts, 107 PL
Battalion Detachment:
HQ: Cadre Fireblade, 2x shield done
HQ: Commander, 2x plasma, EWO, Drone controller, 2x marker drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Fast: 4 Marker drone
Fast: 4 Marker done
Fast: 5 Pathfinders, grav-inhibitor drone
Vanguard detachment:
HQ: Commander, 3x plasma rifle (one replaced by Plasma accelerator), XV8-02, 2x shield drone
Elite: XV95 Ghostkeel, cyclic ion raker, burst cannons, shield generator, target lock, drones
Elite: XV95 Ghostkeel, cyclic ion raker, burst cannons, shield generator, target lock, drones
Elite: XV104 Riptide, Heavy burst cannon, SMS, advanced targeting system, target lock
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker
23 total markerlights!!
Seems like a pretty obvious fire base of broadsides wrapped by firewarriors. The buff commander is back, kinda, using command and control node stratagem when needed and the drone controller means the 14 marker drones have a better chance to hit. The 2nd commander will manta strike to go for the kill on something important...but the extra range means he might be able to stay back a bit. Plenty of shield drones as well to keep the broadside alive, and finally the grav drone to try and keep stuff back a bit!
And then the ghostkeels infiltrating and being a nuisance of themselves. the extra range on the raker sound like a good way to keep them alive - with a 4++ and -2 to hit.
oh, if you're wondering why the firewarriors are 9 per unit, it's because of secondary points in ITC format tournaments.
I think building around a Sept is the way to go, so that's what I did. Picking Bork'An for my first attempt and putting as many heavy and rapid fire guns in as I could. Also I love my Ghostkeels so those are going to benefit from the extra range!
Is the Riptide back?? |
1998 pts, 107 PL
Battalion Detachment:
HQ: Cadre Fireblade, 2x shield done
HQ: Commander, 2x plasma, EWO, Drone controller, 2x marker drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Troop: 9 Strike Team, Markerlight, guardian drone
Fast: 4 Marker drone
Fast: 4 Marker done
Fast: 5 Pathfinders, grav-inhibitor drone
Vanguard detachment:
HQ: Commander, 3x plasma rifle (one replaced by Plasma accelerator), XV8-02, 2x shield drone
Elite: XV95 Ghostkeel, cyclic ion raker, burst cannons, shield generator, target lock, drones
Elite: XV95 Ghostkeel, cyclic ion raker, burst cannons, shield generator, target lock, drones
Elite: XV104 Riptide, Heavy burst cannon, SMS, advanced targeting system, target lock
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker
Heavy: 2 XV88 Broadside, HYMP, SMS, ATS, 2 shield 2 marker
23 total markerlights!!
Seems like a pretty obvious fire base of broadsides wrapped by firewarriors. The buff commander is back, kinda, using command and control node stratagem when needed and the drone controller means the 14 marker drones have a better chance to hit. The 2nd commander will manta strike to go for the kill on something important...but the extra range means he might be able to stay back a bit. Plenty of shield drones as well to keep the broadside alive, and finally the grav drone to try and keep stuff back a bit!
And then the ghostkeels infiltrating and being a nuisance of themselves. the extra range on the raker sound like a good way to keep them alive - with a 4++ and -2 to hit.
oh, if you're wondering why the firewarriors are 9 per unit, it's because of secondary points in ITC format tournaments.
Friday, December 30, 2016
The after picture: XV-15 Stealth Suits (showcase)
Didn't take long, but now the XV-15's are done. I just layered up the Fenris Grey and german grey, then highlighted just like the XV-25's I did. Not bad for a couple night's work. They look much better next to the new models now.
..and a quick side-by-side.
I also used Vallejo Surface Primer to prime the rest of the models I have built. That takes a bit of time to cure so I'll be sure to get the airbrush back out when it's their time.
So that's probably it for the year. Once January starts I'll be working on a model car for a group build on YouTube most of the time. Luckily the Necrons paint up super fast. The Ghostkeel on the other hand, will be quite tedious..
..and a quick side-by-side.
I also used Vallejo Surface Primer to prime the rest of the models I have built. That takes a bit of time to cure so I'll be sure to get the airbrush back out when it's their time.
So that's probably it for the year. Once January starts I'll be working on a model car for a group build on YouTube most of the time. Luckily the Necrons paint up super fast. The Ghostkeel on the other hand, will be quite tedious..
Monday, December 26, 2016
The before picture: XV-15 Stealth Suits
While I was putting away my XV-25 suits I just finished, I saw these guys in the tray. After looking at them, I decided to try and update them mainly because they are decent.. just a base and a wash. A layer and new highlight will bring them up to be the same look as the recent ones. I want to make sure and document the change.
They will also be re-based in 32mm, and that will allow me to put them on cork so they look closer in size to the 25's.
I also thought about just dumping them in the stripper and staring over as they are metal. But I don't think I need to go that far with them. I think layering up the color and then doing the edge work will be enough. And of course the much-needed varnish.
I'm also working on the Ravenwing bikes and I finished assembly on the 2nd box of Wraiths and pulled the scarabs out of the stripper. Conoptek harvest fully built! Nice thing about the Necrons is that they will paint up super fast.
That's it for the holiday update. I hope everyone had their 40k wishes fulfilled!
They will also be re-based in 32mm, and that will allow me to put them on cork so they look closer in size to the 25's.
I also thought about just dumping them in the stripper and staring over as they are metal. But I don't think I need to go that far with them. I think layering up the color and then doing the edge work will be enough. And of course the much-needed varnish.
I'm also working on the Ravenwing bikes and I finished assembly on the 2nd box of Wraiths and pulled the scarabs out of the stripper. Conoptek harvest fully built! Nice thing about the Necrons is that they will paint up super fast.
That's it for the holiday update. I hope everyone had their 40k wishes fulfilled!
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Showcase: Tau XV25 Stealth Suits
yay! finally finished these guys. I've been busy on a model airplane, plus not wanting to do the line highlighting. But it's over and they came out pretty good. Also, did you know stealth suits are on 32mm bases now?
Came out great in the end. I have another unit and a Ghostkeel assembled waiting on primer.
In the meantime I decided on a color for the Necrons..yellow. Looks awesome. Now to order some yellow acrylic rods. Did you know warriors are also coming on 32mm bases now? I need SOO many of them! Might break down and buy the 100 for $40 soon-ish.
Next up will first be the rest of the warriors, followed by the 3 Ravenwing bikes. Once the new year comes around I'll be working on a new model car and deciding on what to paint from there.
Came out great in the end. I have another unit and a Ghostkeel assembled waiting on primer.
In the meantime I decided on a color for the Necrons..yellow. Looks awesome. Now to order some yellow acrylic rods. Did you know warriors are also coming on 32mm bases now? I need SOO many of them! Might break down and buy the 100 for $40 soon-ish.
Next up will first be the rest of the warriors, followed by the 3 Ravenwing bikes. Once the new year comes around I'll be working on a new model car and deciding on what to paint from there.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Tau-riffic Tau-tober! - Final thoughts
As my kids gorge on candy and October draws to a close, the Tau codex hits shelves.
- The lack of a completely new codex is very disturbing. Points needed adjustments almost everywhere, Broadsides needed to be S10 again and maybe some D-weapons for "balance".
- The new detachments and formations look pretty good, but like most some are way better then others.
- Seems like GW is up to the old tricks of limited rules.
Now I don't mind having a whole playable dataslate in a box, but the rules need to be available separately..especially when you consider they are making only 200 copies of the rules..period.
It's really 30 firewarriors, 10 pathfinders and then the fortifications, which isn't much. But what kind of benefits it gives it what matters. It may not be a Skyhammer Annihilation force, but it may be just as bad.
- Will Tau make it back into high-level tournament play? Probably not. The one thing Tau does better then anyone is interceptor - which kills a lot of the high level lists (including the aforementioned Skyhammer Annihilation force) but skyfire gets super expensive very quick..especially trying to fight 5+ FMC's.
What's next? I'll probably be messing around with Tau for the next month.
With allies. Sure, I can't do Orks (Zhadsnark backed up by broadsides? FUCK YA) in ITC rules but I can do...CHAOS!!!
- The lack of a completely new codex is very disturbing. Points needed adjustments almost everywhere, Broadsides needed to be S10 again and maybe some D-weapons for "balance".
- The new detachments and formations look pretty good, but like most some are way better then others.
- Seems like GW is up to the old tricks of limited rules.
Now I don't mind having a whole playable dataslate in a box, but the rules need to be available separately..especially when you consider they are making only 200 copies of the rules..period.
It's really 30 firewarriors, 10 pathfinders and then the fortifications, which isn't much. But what kind of benefits it gives it what matters. It may not be a Skyhammer Annihilation force, but it may be just as bad.
- Will Tau make it back into high-level tournament play? Probably not. The one thing Tau does better then anyone is interceptor - which kills a lot of the high level lists (including the aforementioned Skyhammer Annihilation force) but skyfire gets super expensive very quick..especially trying to fight 5+ FMC's.
What's next? I'll probably be messing around with Tau for the next month.
With allies. Sure, I can't do Orks (Zhadsnark backed up by broadsides? FUCK YA) in ITC rules but I can do...CHAOS!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Tau-riffic Tau-tober! A "beer and pretzels" list?
Trying to make a fun list..something not too competitive. So I immediately ruled out the Buff-commander and massive markerlight support.
CAD -2000pts
HQ: Ethereal
HQ: Cadre Fireblade; 2x shield drones
Troops: 6 Firewarriors; pulse carbines, emp grenades
Devilfish; SMS, pods
Troops: 6 Firewarriors
Devilfish; SMS, pods
Troops: 12 Firewarriors; Sash'ui, 2x shield drones
Elite: Riptide; FNP, early warning
Elite: 2x XV8; TL missile pods, early warning
Elite: 3x XV8; 6x plasma rifles
Fast: 8 Pathfinders
Fast: 2 Piranha; fusion blasters, pods
Fast: Barracuda; pods
Heavy: Hammerhead, Longstrike, sub munition, pods, SMS
Heavy: 2x XV88, missile pods
Heavy: 2x XV88, rail rifles
Aegis, quad gun
basically the Fireblade sits behind the ageis and fires the quad gun while giving his unit extra shots. The Ethereal can join the unit or ride in a Devilfish.
I only have 1 Riptide I went ahead and included it anyway.
A couple of interceptor missile pod suits and 6 plasma rifles to drop down somewhere.
Only 1 unit of markerlights, I figured I might as well paint a "first blood!" target on them.
Lastly, limiting the number of missile pod broadsides.
Still has a bit of firepower, and the flying battlecannon (Barracuda) is always a lot of "gets hot" rolls.
I'm going to be playing at 1500pts this month, so I will be dropping the hammerhead and riptide to get there.
Anyway, the first Tau-riffic Tau-tober! battle report soon!
CAD -2000pts
HQ: Ethereal
HQ: Cadre Fireblade; 2x shield drones
Troops: 6 Firewarriors; pulse carbines, emp grenades
Devilfish; SMS, pods
Troops: 6 Firewarriors
Devilfish; SMS, pods
Troops: 12 Firewarriors; Sash'ui, 2x shield drones
Elite: Riptide; FNP, early warning
Elite: 2x XV8; TL missile pods, early warning
Elite: 3x XV8; 6x plasma rifles
Fast: 8 Pathfinders
Fast: 2 Piranha; fusion blasters, pods
Fast: Barracuda; pods
Heavy: Hammerhead, Longstrike, sub munition, pods, SMS
Heavy: 2x XV88, missile pods
Heavy: 2x XV88, rail rifles
Aegis, quad gun
basically the Fireblade sits behind the ageis and fires the quad gun while giving his unit extra shots. The Ethereal can join the unit or ride in a Devilfish.
I only have 1 Riptide I went ahead and included it anyway.
A couple of interceptor missile pod suits and 6 plasma rifles to drop down somewhere.
Only 1 unit of markerlights, I figured I might as well paint a "first blood!" target on them.
Lastly, limiting the number of missile pod broadsides.
Still has a bit of firepower, and the flying battlecannon (Barracuda) is always a lot of "gets hot" rolls.
I'm going to be playing at 1500pts this month, so I will be dropping the hammerhead and riptide to get there.
Anyway, the first Tau-riffic Tau-tober! battle report soon!
Monday, October 5, 2015
It's Tau-riffic Tau-tober!
With a new codex just around the corner, it's time to celebrate all things Tau!
Tau was just my 2nd army after Orks and I started off buying a collection all the way back in 2009. I do love me some Tau as being a completely different army then my Orks. I also loved having Tau and Ork allies back in 6th edition..Nob bikers backed up with S10 railgun broadsides..whoohoo!
Anyway my first video of Tau-tober is up, going over the KV128 Stormsurge. Enjoy!
Tau was just my 2nd army after Orks and I started off buying a collection all the way back in 2009. I do love me some Tau as being a completely different army then my Orks. I also loved having Tau and Ork allies back in 6th edition..Nob bikers backed up with S10 railgun broadsides..whoohoo!
Anyway my first video of Tau-tober is up, going over the KV128 Stormsurge. Enjoy!
Friday, September 18, 2015
The KX139 is here..and look out the Tau are coming for your candy.
Forgeworld officially released the KX139 Ta'unar-Supremacy-Armour.
And it's pure beatdown.
The rules are free to download so I'm free to talk about them.
First, it's a gargantuan creature not a super-heavy walker. Even though it is T9 with 10 wounds, that is actually a bad thing, as it makes it very vulnerable to Grav weapons. A single unit of Centurions could kill it in a single volley. That's the only thing keeping it from being completely over the top. Even at that it still has 4++ and FNP so even grav can be mitigated..
But if you don't have a unit or two of Grav Centurions, it will completely wreck your day.
First, the primary weapon has 2 fire modes. First shot is a 7" D-weapon blast. 7 inch. blast. d-weapon...
The 2nd mode is Apoc Barrage 3, S8 AP3 ignores cover. Pretty good against almost everything..
The arm guns have 2 choices. The first, has ..again 2 fire modes.
Either 6 shots at S7 AP3..Each. or 3 shots at S9 AP2..each.
The other weapon option is a 5-shot Multi-melta...each.
And of course being a GC means it can fire them all at different targets.
And it's actually WS3 not 2..a huge bonus in CC.
To top it all off it's got 2 TL burst cannons and 2 SMS's which it can fire on overwatch..at BS2 none the less.
At 600points it's a huge investment in a 40k game..but worth it. Add in the other new Tau units that have been spotted in the wild and a new codex and you have Tau once again coming to take your candy and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
And it's pure beatdown.
The rules are free to download so I'm free to talk about them.
First, it's a gargantuan creature not a super-heavy walker. Even though it is T9 with 10 wounds, that is actually a bad thing, as it makes it very vulnerable to Grav weapons. A single unit of Centurions could kill it in a single volley. That's the only thing keeping it from being completely over the top. Even at that it still has 4++ and FNP so even grav can be mitigated..
But if you don't have a unit or two of Grav Centurions, it will completely wreck your day.
First, the primary weapon has 2 fire modes. First shot is a 7" D-weapon blast. 7 inch. blast. d-weapon...
The 2nd mode is Apoc Barrage 3, S8 AP3 ignores cover. Pretty good against almost everything..
The arm guns have 2 choices. The first, has ..again 2 fire modes.
Either 6 shots at S7 AP3..Each. or 3 shots at S9 AP2..each.
The other weapon option is a 5-shot Multi-melta...each.
And of course being a GC means it can fire them all at different targets.
And it's actually WS3 not 2..a huge bonus in CC.
To top it all off it's got 2 TL burst cannons and 2 SMS's which it can fire on overwatch..at BS2 none the less.
At 600points it's a huge investment in a 40k game..but worth it. Add in the other new Tau units that have been spotted in the wild and a new codex and you have Tau once again coming to take your candy and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
Monday, July 6, 2015
For the Greater Good...Tau Titan!!
Holy shit saw this pic today and omg it's awesome. From Forgeworld open day:
The sign says KX139 Ta'unar Supremacy Armor. Bigger then a Knight Titan..and just a few guns. 4 missile pods, 4 burst cannons, the arm-mounted Gatling ion weapons and then the tripple-shoulder mounted weapons of ..awesome.
Man, I can't afford much but this is absolutely on my short list. A Tau Titan is one of those things I always wanted GW to put out.
Now Forgeworld needs to tackle the Great Gargant. :)
The sign says KX139 Ta'unar Supremacy Armor. Bigger then a Knight Titan..and just a few guns. 4 missile pods, 4 burst cannons, the arm-mounted Gatling ion weapons and then the tripple-shoulder mounted weapons of ..awesome.
Man, I can't afford much but this is absolutely on my short list. A Tau Titan is one of those things I always wanted GW to put out.
Now Forgeworld needs to tackle the Great Gargant. :)
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Showcase: Farsight
Finished Farsight tonight.
Basically copied the paint job on the GW website, except I added some power weapon effects to his sword..
Sword arm is magnetized for easy transport.
That's the last Tau I own that's unpainted. I would still like to get a 2nd Riptide, but that's pretty low on the priority list.
That's it for now!
Basically copied the paint job on the GW website, except I added some power weapon effects to his sword..
Sword arm is magnetized for easy transport.
That's the last Tau I own that's unpainted. I would still like to get a 2nd Riptide, but that's pretty low on the priority list.
That's it for now!
Friday, June 13, 2014
Riptide Complete!
I know the Tau codex has been out a while, but I've only been able to get a riptide a couple months ago, and now I've finally finished painting it.
I just went with the same color scheme as the rest of my Tau of course, doing it similar to my Crisis suits. I did do the edge highlighting, which is something my first round (which is a vast majority of the army) did not get. Someday if I care I'll go back and touch-up/highlight/varnish my army. Today is not that day.
This is such an awesome model. It does take quite a bit of work to paint though, being so large. I don't know what I'm gong to do when I run out of Fenris Grey though..
On to the next project! I plan on finally painting up my Longstrike next. Then it will be time to come up with something for Mek Guns.
I just went with the same color scheme as the rest of my Tau of course, doing it similar to my Crisis suits. I did do the edge highlighting, which is something my first round (which is a vast majority of the army) did not get. Someday if I care I'll go back and touch-up/highlight/varnish my army. Today is not that day.
This is such an awesome model. It does take quite a bit of work to paint though, being so large. I don't know what I'm gong to do when I run out of Fenris Grey though..
On to the next project! I plan on finally painting up my Longstrike next. Then it will be time to come up with something for Mek Guns.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Riptide Work in progress
While waiting on the Kill Krusha, I've been making good progress with the riptide.
Of course I've been painting this to match the rest of my Tau. I still have quite a bit of the colors I use. I don't know what I'm going to do when I run out of Fenris Grey. Also my Astronomicon Grey isn't in great shape.
It's actually a lot of work to paint this large of a model, with all this detail, with a brush. But using an airbrush is also not feasible since there is so much black areas as well.
After the primer I dry brushed the entire model with Codex Grey, to save time doing edge highlighting on the black. It turned out just about perfect.
Of course I've been painting this to match the rest of my Tau. I still have quite a bit of the colors I use. I don't know what I'm going to do when I run out of Fenris Grey. Also my Astronomicon Grey isn't in great shape.
It's actually a lot of work to paint this large of a model, with all this detail, with a brush. But using an airbrush is also not feasible since there is so much black areas as well.
After the primer I dry brushed the entire model with Codex Grey, to save time doing edge highlighting on the black. It turned out just about perfect.
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