Sunday, November 26, 2017

Showcase: Evil Sunz Killa Kanz

Yep I actually finished them. 

That gives me 12 kanz for 2 full units.  These guys aren't really all that bad.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Sorry, trying to get my mojo back.

Not much has been going on for me in the hobby front lately.  Real life is dragging me down and I spend my time on youtube.

I just stare at my nearly completed Kanz and sigh with a complete lack of interest.

Plus I've been trying to get back into MTG so when I am on youtube it's either mtg or car videos.

I do have an upload schedule set so that's been a help.  So has getting back to a scale model car club meeting. 

Monday: Monday madness (hobby, rants, whatever)
Wednesday: New talking about orks
Friday: New battle reports

so far so good, especially since I can record for future uploads.

anyway I hope to get a kan showcase up soon.

Be well!