Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6th edition allies, for sure. but how?

So pics from the White Dwarf release confirms allies. GK+IG vs Deamons+CSM.  Wow.  GK terminators backed up with manticores and hydras?  Plague Marines backed up with Fateweaver?

This got me really thinking about what, if any, allies we will get with the Orks. I've seen a matrix but I keep reading it was for a tournament instead of 6th. I hope there are some allies in there, I would hate to be screwed on this awesome part of 6th as well.

I have Tau and Blood Angels. I keep thinking Tau + Orks would be amazing..  Would I take Orks in a Tau army or Tau in an Ork army?

HQ: Big Mek, KFF (85)
Troop: 30 Shootas (rokkits, nob) (250)
Troop: 30 Shootas (rokkits, nob) (250)

Elite: 15 Lootas (225)
Elite: 15 Lootas (225)

HQ: Shas'o, HW Drone controller, Target lock, TL Missile pods, HW blacksun
2x Shield drones (106)

Troop: 10 Firewarriors (120)

Heavy: 3x Broadsides (A.S.S., Team Leader, HW drone, HW target lock, HW blacksun, 2x shield drones) (283)
Heavy: 3x Broadsides (A.S.S., Team Leader, HW drone, HW target lock, HW blacksun, 2x shield drones) (283)
Heavy: 2x Broadsides (A.S.S, team leader, HW target lock, HW blacksun)  (173)

2000pts exactly.

Won't know what is actually possible for another week or so, but the possibilities...*swoon*

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