I dropped 10 HW/Shield boys for a troll and a 3rd fanatic. Also means 10 fewer models to paint so that will save me several days. I was going to run that unit as a horde, but now I'll go 5x7 tarpit.
The army idea is the same as before, using manglers, magic, warmachines and the spider to thin down things before the boys come in to clean up. sometimes it works, sometimes it does not..:)
Lords (413) 14.48%
1 Orc Warboss: Shield, Armor of Fortune, Gold Sigil Sword (168)
1 Night Goblin Great Shaman: Level 4, Talisman of Preservation, dispel scroll (245)
Hero (275) 9.64%
1 Black Orc Big Boss: BSB, Gambler's Armor, Sword of Battle, Ironcurse Icon (160)
1 Orc Shaman: level 2, talisman of Protection (115)
Core (1000) 35.05%
29 Orc Boys: extra hand weapon, big'uns, full command, Banner of Eternal Flame (360)
35 boys: shields, Musician, standard (265)
50 Night goblins: spears, musician, standard, 2x Fanatic, netters (265)
25 night goblins: bows, musician, fanatic (110)
Special (500) 17.53%
20 Black Orcs, full command, shields (295)
1 Orc Chariot (85)
1 Orc Chariot (85)
1 Troll (35)
Rare (665) 23.31%
1 Mangler Squig (65)
1 Mangler Squig (65)
1 Doom Diver (80)
1 Doom Diver (80)
1 Goblin Rock Lobber (85)
1 Arachnarok Spider (290)
1 Orc Warboss: Shield, Armor of Fortune, Gold Sigil Sword (168)
1 Night Goblin Great Shaman: Level 4, Talisman of Preservation, dispel scroll (245)
Hero (275) 9.64%
1 Black Orc Big Boss: BSB, Gambler's Armor, Sword of Battle, Ironcurse Icon (160)
1 Orc Shaman: level 2, talisman of Protection (115)
Core (1000) 35.05%
29 Orc Boys: extra hand weapon, big'uns, full command, Banner of Eternal Flame (360)
35 boys: shields, Musician, standard (265)
50 Night goblins: spears, musician, standard, 2x Fanatic, netters (265)
25 night goblins: bows, musician, fanatic (110)
Special (500) 17.53%
20 Black Orcs, full command, shields (295)
1 Orc Chariot (85)
1 Orc Chariot (85)
1 Troll (35)
Rare (665) 23.31%
1 Mangler Squig (65)
1 Mangler Squig (65)
1 Doom Diver (80)
1 Doom Diver (80)
1 Goblin Rock Lobber (85)
1 Arachnarok Spider (290)
Almost done with the night goblins..
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