Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Non-caucasian skin tones? Really?

So tonight I was working on my guard squad for charity, and a couple days ago I had decided to do a couple in non-caucasian skin. Well I forgot until I got to the last guy, so onto the mighty google I go, looking for a guide.

There are none.

I spent about 20min looking for something, found a couple hints in threads and this one blog post:

But that's it.  I was pretty shocked this was not a more common subject.  I found a lot of people asking, and many links to an article on Coolminiornot ..that isn't there anymore.  Sigh.  I don't usually inject real life into my hobby time, but this is not a good thing to find out about our community.

I had to come up with my own. Used a base of Dark Flesh, washed with badab black. First highlight of dark flesh then mixed a little talaran flesh into the dark flesh for a final highlight.

I like how it came out even if not as realistic as I would like.

Anyone have some tips on non-Caucasian skin?

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