Continuing to hobby. Slowed down a lot, only 6 models painted in a week :) I know a lot of people barely paint that in a month..but I really don't do anything else and I have a few hours every day after the kids go to bed. So I paint.
First, going through my 'ard boys. I replaced the big shootas with all new guys. Didn't have to open my new boys box. Then I need to wash 12 of them to finish off the unit completely. I'm still thinking about building a unit of 30 'ard shootas.
Next I finished my goblin fanatics. So officially I have 591pts painted. I will probably knock out the 3 black orcs. I did pick up a new box of black orcs so that's 23 total, might wait unit those are ready to paint. Need 1 more. Still trying to figure out my heros and lords for my 2k army.
I'm thinking about changing the list up so I can have some cool winter conversions. Like making snowmobile pump wagons. Already going to make goblin snowball lobbers :) should be fun.
I also picked up a finecast Zagstruck. I plan on starting in on redoing my stormboys shortly, so wanted him as well. He had a couple of minor imperfections, but nothing major.
Lastly cut off all the sprues from the Barracuda, straitened the bent pieces and washed it. After it dries I'll probably dive into that.
Then there is always the Stompa...
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